新人教版高中英语选修10课件Unit1 Warming up and reading(共88张PPT.ppt

新人教版高中英语选修10课件Unit1 Warming up and reading(共88张PPT.ppt

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2021/6/20 The leader’s vital and cheerful manner filled his men with courage. 指挥官朝气蓬勃和欢欣愉悦的神态使士兵们勇气倍增。 This point is vital to my argument. It is vital that we move quickly. 7. vital a. 生命的; 至关重要的 Shes a very vital sort of person. 精力旺盛的人 The heart performs a vital bodily function. ?? 心脏起著维持生命的重要作用。  The government saw the introduction of new technology as vital. 政府认为引进新技术至关重要。 A SUCCESSFUL FAILURE l Why did Blackborow think that being young, fit and energetic would encourage Shackleton to take him on the trip? A Shackleton liked young people who were fit and energetic. B It would be cold and Shackleton would need young, energetic people to do difficult jobs. C Shackleton wanted people who were fit but not trained in useful skills. D Blackborow would not have gone unless he was young and energetic. Choose the correct answer to each question. 2 Why did Shackleton accept Perce when he found him hiding in the ship after the voyage had started? A He didnt have time to turn round and take him back to England. B He admired his courage and encouraged him to stay. C He felt angry but could not show it so he accepted die boy. D He made the best of the situation. 3 Why did Shackleton not show how disappointed he was when the ship sank? A He thought he could always organize another expedition. B He knew it would be easier to cross Antarctica without the ship C He felt the men would need encouraging after this disaster. D He had already taken all necessary supplies from the ship Try to skim through the passage and get the main plot of the story. This is the true story of one young man, Perce Blackborow, who hid aboard the ship that took Ernest Shackletons expedition to the South Pole. He was accepted by him, once he was found, and became a steward and cook for the rest of the expedition. The main plot of the story When the ship was crushed by ice, Perce was one of those l


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