新人教版高中英语选修10课件Unit2 Workbooktalking listening and reading(共32张PPT.ppt

新人教版高中英语选修10课件Unit2 Workbooktalking listening and reading(共32张PPT.ppt

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2021/6/20 Listening Unit 2 1 In group, talk about what has happened in the play King Lear so far. What do you think will happen in the rest of the play? How do you think it will end? 2 Discuss the pictures. 1 Who do you think the man with the sword is ? 2 Why do you think he has been placed in the stocks? 3 What do you think King Lear is saying to his daughter and her husband? Kent disguised as Caius. For hitting the other man (Regan’s servant) with a sword. 1 Listen to Part 4 of the play and answer to the questions. 1 Why was the Duke of Kent put into the stocks? 2 What happens when Lear asks to see his daughter? 3 What does Regan tell the king to do? 4 When Goneril arrives what to do the sisters tell the King Lear to do ? 5 What happens to King Lear next? 1 Why was the Duke of Kent put into the stocks? He had an argument with Regan’s servant, and hit him with the flat side if his sword. 2 What happens when Lear asks to see his daughter? Reagan at first pretends she is too tired to see Lear. 3 What does Regan tell the king to do? Regan tells Lear he should return to Goneril and apologize. 4 When Goneril arrives what to do the sisters tell the King Lear to do ? Goneril and Regan tell Lear tha the is selfish and that he should dismiss all his soldiers expect for a few old men. 5 What happens to King Lear next? Lear becomes angry and says he with not live with either of his daughters. Then he rushes away from the castle into an approaching storm. 2 The notes on the page 60, about the plot of Part4, are out of order and two of them incidents didn’t happen. Listen again and cross out the ones that didn’t happen and number the others in order. 1 E 2 A 3 G 4 B 5 H 6 F 7 C D and I are correct. 3 Listen again and answer theses questions in groups. 1 How does King Lear fell when he finds Kent / Caius in the stocks? He is angry and sees the punishment of his personal servant as an insult to himself. 2 Why do you think being put in the stocks is a t



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