外研版七级下册Module 4 Unit 1(共45张PPT.ppt

外研版七级下册Module 4 Unit 1(共45张PPT.ppt

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2021/6/20 你都记住了吗? 你太棒啦! 重难点讲解 more 是形容词 many 和 much “多的” 的比较级。意为“更多的”,即: many — more 多的 更多的 1. He ________ a nice cook. is going to is B. is going to be C. is going to D. is going to are 2.----Are you going to ___ your grandparents this weekend? ----Yes, I am. A. to visit B. visit C. visited D.visiting 3. He ____ a new bike next week. A. wills buy B. will buy C. will buys D .will buying 4. —Will you have long holidays? —________. So I will visit Beijing. A. Yes,I will B. No,I will C. Yes,I do ‰ D. No,I do 5.What will life ________in the future? A. will be B. be like C. likes D. liking 预习测评 一般将来时:be going to will ? Learning aims: 掌握本节课的词汇及短语: 2.能够听懂有关未来学校生活的简单对话。 3.能用一般将来时will 谈论未来的学校生活。 chalk carry change everything future in the future life need will maybe question level able be able to more not any more free Words and expressions /t??:k / /ru:l?/ /k?rI/ /t?eInd?/ /evrIθI?/ /fju:t??/ 粉笔 n. chalk 直尺 n. ruler 拿;带 v. change 改变;变化 v.n. future 每样事物 carry 将来;未来 n. everything in the future 将来 /laIf / /ni:d/ /wIl/ /meIbi/ /ɑ:sk/ /kwest??n/ /baI/ 生活;生命 n. life 需要 n.v.aux. need 将;将要 v.aux. maybe 也许 adv. question 询问;问 v. will 问题 n. ask 用;靠;乘 by 水平 n. level 能够…的 adj. able 能够做… more 更加;更 adv. 更多的 adj. be able to 不再… (时间)空闲的;空余的 adj. free /lev?l / /eIbl/ /m?:/ /fri:/ not any more chalk n. 粉笔 life n. 生活; 生命 level n. 水平 question n. 问题 ruler n. 尺子 小组活动 —— 想象一下你心目中未来的学校的样子吧! Students will use computers and get information on the Internet. Teacher won’t use chalk in the future. Look at the picture and describe it. Use the words in the box to help you. blackboard chalk computer email eraser Internet paper pen pencil ruler telephone 1. Will our life be different in the future? Yes, it will. / No, it won’t. 2. Will our school change? Yes, they will. / No,


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