新北师大版英语必修一课件Unit 1 Part Ⅳ.ppt

新北师大版英语必修一课件Unit 1 Part Ⅳ.ppt

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Part Ⅳ Lesson 4 City and Country;Ⅰ.重点单词 1. adj.附近的 2. adv.否则;另外 3. n.预测,预报 4. n.会计,会计师→account n.账户;账目 5. adj.拥挤的→crowd v.拥挤 n.人群,一伙人;sickness;Ⅱ.核心短语 1.  上法语课 2. 远离某地 3. 对……有好处 4. 深夜 5. 保证 6.be free of 7.play with 8.get the chance 9.take a weekend break 10.be fond of;Ⅲ.经典句式 1.That’s the underground in London. 那就是人们所说的伦敦地铁。 2.Usually,it’s I can’t find anywhere to sit. 通常,地铁很拥挤,很难找到座位。 3.I’m always tired . 这样每天到办公室前,我就已感到很疲倦。;?派生 1.fore-(在前部的,以前的) fore+cast(投射;分派角色)=forecast (预测,预报) 2.-ness名词后缀 sick (adj.生病的)+ness→sickness n.疾病;原文呈现;2021/6/20;2021/6/20;2021/6/20;2021/6/20;阅读清障;2021/6/20;2021/6/20;2021/6/20;2021/6/20;2021/6/20;Ⅰ.Choose the best answer according to the text. 1.From the first paragraphs of the two texts,we can know that________.;2.In the last paragraph of Text 2,it can be inferred that________.;3.From the second text,we know that________.;4.Whose life is better,Debbie’s or Paul’s?;5.According to the texts,which of the following statements is TRUE?;Ⅱ.Fill in the blanks according to the text.;Paul ;Ⅲ.Analyze the difficult sentences in the text. 1.That’s what people call the underground in London.;2.We like to visit nice,quiet places far away from the city and go walking where there are no shops,crowds or the tube.;1.crowded adj.拥挤的,充满的;a crowd of 一群,一堆,许多 the crowd 人群 crowd (...) into (把……)挤进;①The train was very (crowd),and we had to stand. 火车很挤,我们只好站着。 ②This morning,the ground is crowded white snow. 今天早晨,地上白雪皑皑。 ③I crowded (myself) the crowd to see the famous star. 我挤进人群去看那位明星。 [语境串记] The crowd crowded into the stadium which was crowded with audience. 人们挤进体育馆里,里面挤满了观众。;2.nearby adj.附近的,邻近的 adv.在附近;①Li Hua lives in which is not far from the school. 李华住在离学校不远的一个村庄里。 ②Most of the students in this school . 这所学校的大多数学生都住在附近。;[辨析比较] nearby/near;[即学即用] 选用上述单词填空 ③Since that day,no man is so


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