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PAGE PAGE PAGE 1 2020年金融专业英文简历自我介绍   简历是应聘的基础和必要手段,一份优秀的简历能够给招聘者留下深刻的印象,从而赢取面试的机会,如下是一篇金融专业英文简历自我介绍,供大家参考!   Davidson   444, west Land Street, New Jejisco   45012-4325-459987   Cell no: 589746315948   Ridchardson.davidson@grean .com   Career objective:   A highly skilled and professional mortgage underwriter with extensive knowledge in approving and denying mortgage loan application. Have more than six years of experience in the concerned field. Possess excellent communication and analytical skills. Looking for the position of a mortgage underwriter in a well established financial organization.   Professional skills:   Possess strong organization and presentation skills   Worked successfully with multi-branch mortgage companies   Familiar with lending guidelines, underwriting complex individual consumer request, fraud detection techniques and reviewing financial statements   Ability to accomplish and understand the major loan related works   Professional experience:   Global Business center, New Jejisco   20XX-20XX   Mortgage process Manager   Handled the tasks of conducting meetings on productivity service level agreement targets   Established and strategize tech and operation centers at various locations   Responsible for process improvement, risk management and attrition management   Conducted regular meetings and trainings   Handled the tasks of building good relationship with clients   Bringham Finance and associate consultancy, New Jejisco   20XX to 20XX   Mortgage underwriter   Handled the tasks of collecting and monitoring all loan related information   Responsible for reviewing credit reports, applicable ratios and financial statements   Provided trainings and guidelines to juniors   Handled the tasks of evaluating and verifying loan applications   Performed the tasks of mortgage loaning process by looking into compensating and equity factors   Handled the tasks of complete underwriting of all mortgages   New Financial and business center


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