
4.垃圾公告牌样本GARBAGE PLACARD2018.pdf

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垃圾公告牌 GARBAGE PLACARD 除非另有规定,禁止排放所有垃圾入海 Placard targeting crew and shipboard operations MARPOL公约禁止排放船上的大多数垃圾。只有下列类型垃圾在规定条件下允许排放。 Discharge of all garbage into the sea is prohibited except provided otherwise 在MARPOL 附则V 指定的特殊区域和北极水域外:Outside SpecialAreas designated and Arcticwaters under MARPOLAnnex V: ·经粉碎或磨碎的食品废弃物 (能通过筛眼不大于25 mm 的粗筛)可在距最近陆地不小于3 nm 处排放。 Comminuted orground foodwastes (capable of passing through a screenwith openings no largerthan 25 millimetre s) may be discharged not less than 3 nautical miles fromthe nearest land. ·其他食品废弃物可在距最近陆地不小于12 nm 处排放。 Otherfood wastes may be discharged not less than 12 nautical miles fromthe nearest land. ·对海洋环境无害的货物残余可在距最近陆地不小于12nm处排放。 Cargo residues classified as not harmfulto the marine environment may be discharged not less than 12 nautical miles fromthe nearest land ·货舱、甲板和外表面洗涤水中的清洁剂或添加剂只有在对海洋环境无害的情况下才能排放。 Cleaning agents or additives incargo hold,deck and external surfaces washing water may be discharged only if they are not harmfulto the marine environment. ·除排放的清洁剂或添加剂对海洋环境无害,船舶必须在航途中并尽可能远离最近陆地。 Withthe exceptionof discharging cleaning agents inwashing water,the ship must been route and as far as practicabl efromthe nearest land. 在MARPOL 附则V 指定的特殊区域和北极水域内: Inside SpecialAreas designated and Arctic waters under MARPOLAnnex V ·对于食品废弃物和货物残余,适用更严格的排放要求;和 More stringent discharge requirements apply forthe discharges of foodwastes and cargo residues;AND ·详见MARPOL 附则V、 《极地规则》第II-A 部分第5 章和船上垃圾管理计划。 Consult Annex V and the shipboard garbage management planfor details. 对于所有海洋区域,载运特殊货物 (例如活动物或固体散装货物)的船舶应查阅附则V 和相关的附则V 实施指南。 For all areas of the sea,ships carrying specialized cargos suchas live animals orsolid bulk cargoes should consult An nex V and the associated Guidelines forthe implementation of Annex V 任何类型垃圾的排放必须在 《垃圾记录簿》中予以记录 Discharge of any type of garbage must be entered inthe Garbage Record Boo


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