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《开放英语1》This is English 1 ??责任教师:?? zlp@nbtvu.net.cn ? Unit SevenMaking AppointmentsSESSION 1In this session you* practise the language for asking how to get to places* review the language for making offers/ suggestions to review the language for making offers/suggestion1.表达提议 在第3单元中我们学过可以用Would you like to +动词原形来表达提议。例如,在Extract 1中,我们听到了下面的提议: Would you like to come to dinner tonight? Would you like to stay the night?2.提供建议 在口语中常用以下3种句式表达提议: How about…? What about…? 和 Why don’t you…? 例如在Extract 1中, 我们听到了下面的建议: How about seven o’clock? What about taking a taxi? Why don’t you take the tube?对问候语How are you?的应答How are you?从字面看是一个问题,询问身体状况怎么样,但实质上,这是一句问候语。对他人的问候做出应答后一般会礼貌地问候对方How are you? 或者And you?2)应答的方式有多样,下面列出的应答语是按从最正式到最随意的顺序排列的: 问候 应答How are you? Fine, thank you. How are you? Fine, thanks. And you? Not too bad, thanks. And how are you? Ok, thanks. You? 询问花多长时间1)动词to take,可以表示“花费(时间)”, 用在“It takes + (时间)+ to do sth” 这个 句型中或者“sth takes + (时间)”这个句 型中,表达“某事花费多长时间”。例如: How long does it take to get to your house by tube? It takes about half an hour.2)动词to take 的否定句和疑问句的构成同其 他实意规则动词一样。例如: How long does the journey take? The flight doesn’t take three hours. It takes two.SESSION 2In this session you* practise the language for describing accommodation* learn to criticise表达批评表达批评性评论常用的句式是“too+形容词”或者“not+形容词+enough”,这两种句式意义相近,意为“太……”,“不够……”。在Extract 5 中你听到过下面的句子:The kitchen is too dark.The table is not big enough for two people.The flat is too expensive. Yes, I agree. It isn’t __________.The area is too dirty. Yes, I agree. It isn’t ___________.The bedroom is too small. Yes, I agree. It isn’t ___________.The table is not big enough. Yes, I agree. It is too _________.The flat is not quiet enough. Yes, I agree. It is too_________.The living room is not comfortable enough. Yes, I agree. It is too ___________.SESSION 3In this session you* learn some typical telephone language* learn some language fo


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