
电子科技大学大三电子信息专业通信原理英文考试卷及答案 (5).docVIP

电子科技大学大三电子信息专业通信原理英文考试卷及答案 (5).doc

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PAGE 第 PAGE 6 页 共 NUMPAGES 6 页 学院_______________________ 系别____________ 班次_____________ 学号__________ 姓名________________ ………….……密…..……….封……..……线………..…以………..…内………答…………...题…………..无…….….效…..……………….. 电子科技大学 20xx 至 20xx 学年 第 1 学期 通信原理 课程考试题 (120分钟) 考试日期 20xx 年 1 月 10 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 总分 评卷教师 Blank Filling: The three basic operations of the generation for PCM signal are__sampling_, ___quantizing__, __coding___. All communication systems involve three main subsystems: __Transmitter__ , channel and _Receiver__. If the analog signal is , the minimum sampling rate is _20kHz_. If the data rate is 100kbps, the first null bandwidth for the unipolar NRZ signal, the polar NRZ signal and the Manchester NRZ signal are__100kHz___, __100kHz_, ___200kHz__ separately. For no ISI, and the 6 dB bandwidth of the raised cosine-rolloff filter, f0, is designed to be 50kHz, the symbol rate of communication system is _100k_ baud. If the AM signal is , its complex envelope signal is __. Two main compression laws for non-uniform quantizing are: __u__-law, ___A__-law. Assume that the input signals is . When the input noise is white, the impulse response of the matched filter h(t)=___ ___and the optimum sampling time __T__. If the bandwidth of modulating signal is 50kHz, the transmission bandwidth for AM、DSB-SC、SSB、signals are _100kHz__, __100kHz__, __200kHz__ separately. If the PSD of s(t) is , its first null to null bandwidth is ___ Assume is a unipolar NRZ signal occurring at a rate of 1000 bits/s (The peak values of which is 1V, and the probability of obtaining either a binary 1 or 0 is 1/2). The OOK signal is , where. (a) Evaluate the PSD of the OOK signal. Assume a carrier frequency of 10 KHz. (b) Plot the PSD of the OOK signal and indicate the value of the first null-to-null bandwidth. (c) Evaluate the spectral efficiency for the OOK signal. Solution: (a) , m(t)为单极性 , (b) (c) An analog signal with the bandwidth of 3400Hz is to be transmi



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