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3. International marketing research International Marketing ResearchMore complex than domesticGreater:time to complete projectscost to collect primary secondary datacoordination required difficulty in predicting competitor reactionTendency to use self reference criterion costly mistakes e.g.,KFC in BrazilKotabe, M. Helsen, K. (2004) Global Marketing Management 3Ed. Brisbane: Wiley Marketing research in international marketingThe are six steps in conducting international marketing research:Define the research problem(s).Develop a research design.Determine information needs.Collect the data (secondary and primary).Analyse the data and interpret the results.Report and present the findings of the study.Kotabe, M. Helsen, K. (2004) Global Marketing Management 3Ed. Brisbane: Wiley Marketing research in international marketing Major challenges faced by international marketing researchers are:Lack and accuracy of secondary data.Time and cost requirements to collect primary data.Coordination of multicountry research efforts.Difficulty in establishing comparability across multicountry studies.Different practical considerations (such as the legal aspects of conducting research, and the culture’s norms about sharing opinions with strangers).Kotabe, M. Helsen, K. (2004) Global Marketing Management 3Ed. Brisbane: Wiley Research problem formulationAny research starts by defining the research problem.A well-defined problem is a half-solved problem.Once the nature of the problem is clear, it needs to be translated into specific questions.For example, BMW in a European positioning strategy study posed the following questions:What do motorists in the different countries demand from their cars?What do motorists believe they are getting from various brands?What does that imply with regard to positioning the BMW brand across borders?Kotabe, M. Helsen, K. (2004) Global Marketing Management 3Ed. Brisbane: Wiley Data Sources and Collection - Secondary dataUnit of analysistendency
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