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2012 届高考英语顶尖学案:北师大版 Unit 19 Language 语言 核心词汇 1.I asked the photographer to ____________( 放大 )the picture. 2.You have my g____________that I ’ll finish the job on time. 3.The doctor gave me____________( 详尽的 )instructions on when and how to take the medicine. 4 .He worked all summer to save money for the p____________of a piano. 5.Martin thought that he had no ____________( 足够的 )proof. 6.She was not beautiful ;she did not ____________( 像,类似 )her mother. 7 . Peace n____________are still going on but the government seems not like to n____________ with the terrorists. 8.The plan had the a____________of the school authorities. 9.It is e____________that our streets are so dirty but someone doesn ’t think it a real e____________. 1 . enlarge 2.guarantee 3.explicit 4.purchase 5.adequate 6.resemble 7.negotiations ; negotiate 8.approval9.embarrassing ;embarrassment 高频短语 1.________________ 使走在前面,获得进步 2.________________ 以,, 的形式出现 ( 存在 ) 3.________________ 学会 4 .________________ 很久;很长时间 5.________________ 由,, 组成 6.________________ 不管,不顾 7.________________ 如果;条件是 8.________________ 我肯定 9.________________ 与,, 有联系 10.________________ 突出;出色;坚持抵抗 11.________________ 记住 12.________________ 故意地 13.________________ 遵守;遵循 1 . get ahead 2.take the form of 3.catch on 4.for ages 5.consist of 6.regardless of 7.provided that 8 .I bet 9.be associated with 10.stand out 11.keep...in mind 12.on purpose 13.keep to 重点句式 1.__________________as early as the 1700s that English would one day be the global language and that has proved to be the case in the last few decades. 早在 18 世纪就有人预测英语将会成为世界语言,而这一预言在最近几十年中得到了证实。 2.________________________they make sure there is an adequate amount of input in Engl


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