2022学年北师大版高中英语选修六习题:Unit 18 Beauty 18.4 Word版含答案.docVIP

2022学年北师大版高中英语选修六习题:Unit 18 Beauty 18.4 Word版含答案.doc

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精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 最新 精品 Word 欢迎下载 可修改 精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 CommunicationWorkshop 即时检测 一、单词拼写 1Look in the         (目录) to see whether the library has this book.? 答案catalogue 2The         (商人) decided to use camels to carry his goods across the desert.? 答案merchant 3The only        (缺点) of the plan is that it costs too much.? 答案drawback 4There are        (明显) differences between the north and the south of the country.? 答案evident 5He has written several stories on the       (主题) of lost happiness.? 答案theme 6The two men died when they were t       in a burning building.? 答案trapped 二、语法填空 1The doctor is treating him       the best medicine.? 答案with 2We should replace junk food       fresh fruit and vegetables.? 答案with 3The man trapped the old woman into       (buy) the vase.? 答案buying 4My mother often teaches me how       (deal) with this situation.? 答案to deal 5Could you recommend a nice but cheap restaurant       me?? 答案for 三、完成句子 1我突然想到了一个主意:送给妹妹一支钢笔。 An idea                   I should give my sister a pen.? 答案struck me that 2叔叔推荐我去国外深造。 My uncle                       go abroad for further education.? 答案recommended me to 3格林小姐总是用友好的方式对待别人。 Miss Green always treats others                         .? 答案in a friendly manner 4这位新总统不得不处理一大堆问题。 The new President had to             a good many problems.? 答案deal with 5他十八岁了,可是父母还是把他当小孩子。 He is eighteen,but his parents still                   a child.? 答案treat him as 6——请问,李先生在吗? ——请稍等。 —Could I speak to Mr Li? —            for a moment,please.? 答案Hang on 四、从方框中选择适当的单词或短语填空 manners drawbacks bits and pieces stricken delicate recommend catalogue trapped treated merchant One day,a young man came to a shop.He told the shop owner,a middle-aged lady,that he wanted to buy 1.       of 2.      goods.But he was told that there weren’t so many goods at that time.The young man looked disappointed and the shop owner felt that she had missed a good chance to earn money.? Three days later,another young man entered the shop.He called


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