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(Suitable for teaching courseware and reports) NPD新产品开发控制 為何需要新產品開發與流程 ?? 新產品開發是什麼?? 一個團體根據需要,訂定計劃,組織人員,開發設計與驗證樣品,並使之能大量複製與販售之過程稱之新產品開發流程 . 為何需要新產品開發 ?? 一個以服務產生營利之團體,為使之利潤來源能持續不斷,必需在 原有產品利潤降低或開拓新事業領域時,進行新產品開發以維持適當利潤使團體存活 . 新產品開發風險 大量複製代表大量材料與金錢投入,若產品有任何重大瑕疵,將會造成產品退貨,輕者損失商譽賠錢解決,嚴重可能使公司經營發生困難 降低風險提升利潤 經由適當有效流程控制,複製經驗,確保產品開發品質控管機制,以提升量產之品質,減低公司營運風險;經由經驗分享,減少犯錯機會,降低開發時間,使產品快速上市,以取得最佳利潤 . * PDCA Loop Plan : To have a plan , ( What it is , How and When to do , How to check ) Do : Follow plan to do Check : Follow plan to do checking Action : To assess the effectiveness of result with plan PDCA ( Plan / Do / Check / Action ) Plan Do Check Action ( Quality / 品質 , Cost / 成本 , Delivery / 交期 ) * Life Cycle of Product 市場 Marketing 終止 End of Life 企劃 Planning 開發設計 Design 試作 / Sample 評價 / Evaluation 試產 Pilot Run 量產 Mass Production * Resource of Development Product Design Capability POWER Publication Product Engineering Thermal Design Mechanical ID BIOS S/W F/W Electronic Hardware Reliability Testing Compatibility Testing Testing Program Testing Fixture PCB Layout Simulation Pre_Load Manufacturing EMC/Safety * Concept Design DVT MVT EVT Mass Production Start Planning EVT : Engineer Verification Test , DVT : Design Verification Test , MVT : Manufacturing Verification Test Product Development Control Flow Pass Pass Pass Fail Fail Fail Gating Gating Gating 開發設計 Development Design 樣品製作 Sample Build 樣品評價 Verification Validation 試產 Pilot Run NPD NPI NPD : New Product Development NPI : New Product Introduction * NPD / NPI NPI Operation Mass Production ODM Project OEM Project NPI Operation NPD Operation NPI : New Product Introduction Focus on a product be phased in manufacturing related activities . NPD : New Product Development Except the NPI activities , It also included product design and design verification and validation rela



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