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精品文档 精品文档 精品文档 精品文档 2014学年第二学期学生学习水平单元评价 五年级英语(四)(MOdUIe 1 --- Module 7) Class Name No. ASSeSSment 、听句子三次,选出句子含有的信息,把其字母编号写在前面的括号内。10% ( )1. A. SPri ng B. Wi nter C. autu mn ( )2. A. SPri ng B. SUmmer C. autu mn ( )3. A. May 13th B. May 3rd C. May 1st ( )4. A. by bus B. by Car C. by pla ne ( )5. A. See a film B. play games C. ride a bike ( )6. A. Write a Ietter B. go shopp ing C. take a walk ( )7. A. climb a tree B. touch a fan C. feed the an imals ( )8.A. turn right B. turn left C. take the third right ( )9. A. go traveli ng B. ViSit the City museum C. WatCh a football match ( )10. A. SPOrtS meet ing B. horse- riding C. mou ntai n CIimbi ng 二、听句子三次,判断是否与图意相符,如相符,在括号内写“ T”,否则写“ F” 10% O59_人3今2 O 5 9 _ 人 3 今 2 人 三、 听每个小对话三次,选出所给问题的最佳答案,将其字母编号写在括号内。 6% ( )1. What Jan efsfavourite SeaS on? A. Spring. B. AUtU mn C. Wi nter ( )2. Will Janet go to the zoo With Ben? A. Yes, She will. B. No, She wont. C. Yes, She can. ( )3. What SUmmer like in Australia? A. It SVery cool. B. It S Very warm. C. It S Very hot. ( )4. When is Mike Sbirthday? A. JUne 11th. B. July 11th. C. JUne 17h. ( )5. When will Xiaoling go to Shenzhen? A. On SePtember 21d. B. On AUgUSt 2nd. C. On AUgUSt 8h. ( )6. How will Xiaoling go to Shenzhen? A. By car. B. By bus. C. By train. 四、 听句子三次,写出句子所缺的单词。8% NeXt Week they Will to Hainan for five days. We are going to have a maths this after noon. They Can take some food to the ani mals. I hope you will enjoy this day. Jiamin will go to the ChiIdre n Palace by on April 24th. I cant We are on time. IS there anything else this mon th? It is a party, so PIeaSe do not tell Andy. 五、 听短文三次,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,如相符在括号内写“ 否则写“ F”。6% ( )1.1 do not have any homework in the school holiday. ( )2. I am going to my gran dpahome on the SeC ond day of the holiday. ( )3. I m going to my grandpahome by bus. ( )4. Gran dpa has a Very fun cat. ( )5. I am going to take gran dpdsdog for a walk. ( )6. There is a robot show in ChiIdreriSPalace. T”,)()2 人.()3人.()4人.()5 T”, ) ()


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