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旅游景点范例之一:北京故宫 A Brief Introduction to the Imperial Palace 【概述】 本文选自1998年中国世界语出版社出版的《故宫向导图》 (A Sketch Map of the Imperial Palace)。与其它详细的景点介绍不同,导游图上的文字一般比较简短,旨在概括地介绍景点的历史、现状及其重要的文物价值,增强他们的游览兴趣。原文很好地浓缩了故宫的精华,语言朴实,空间和时间逻辑鲜明,是一篇典型的旅游文体文章。翻译成英文,总体风格要与原文一致,应注意故宫里主要建筑物名称的翻译,使用音译加意译的方法,因为这些名称里面包含着独特的中华文化的基本精神,如“天人合一”的理念。原文中有大量描写建筑布局和造型的文字,不可拘泥,要灵活处理,重在实现原文的信息功能。 故宫旧称紫禁城,位于北京城的中心,为明、清两代的皇宫,是中国现存最大最完整的古代木构建筑群。始建于明永乐四年(1406年),历时十四年才竣工。迄今已有500余年历史,有24位皇帝相继在此登基执政。 The Imperial Palace, previously called the Forbidden City and now popularly known as the Palace Museum, is located in the center of Beijing. Once the palace of the Ming and Qing dynasties, it is the largest and most complete ancient wooden complex extant in China today. Building work began in 1406, the fourth year of the Ming emperor Yongle’s reign. The complex was finished 14 years later. During its time as Imperial Palace a succession of 24 emperors sat on the throne and administered state affairs. 被称为“殿宇之海”的故宫平面为长方形,占地72万平方米,有殿宇楼阁9000多间,建筑面积达15万平方米。宫墙长达3公里,四面各一门,四角均矗立造型奇特的角楼, The rectangular palace complex occupies an area of 720,000 square meters and consists of 9000 rooms, with a floor area of 150,000 square meters. The wall surrounding the Imperial Palace is three kilometers long, with a gate on all four sides and a uniquely shaped watchtower standing at each of the four corners. 墙外环绕宽52米的护城河,构成森严壁垒的城堡。宫殿建筑有外朝、内廷之分。外朝以太和殿、中和殿、保和殿为中心,文华、武英两殿为侧翼。 Around the outside of the wall runs the 52-meter-wide moat. The palace grounds are divided into two main sections, the Front Palace and the Inner Palace. In the center of the Front Palace stand Taihedian (Hall of Supreme Harmony), Zhonghedian (Hall of Complete Harmony) and Baohedian (Hall of Preserving Harmony), with Wenhuadian (Hall of Literary Glory) and Wuyingdian (Hall of Military Prowess) as the wings. 内廷分中、东、西三路,中路为乾清宫、交泰殿、坤宁宫,其后是御花园;中路两侧为东、西六宫;东六宫向南至奉先殿、斋宫和诚肃殿;西六宫往南为养心殿。 The Inner Palace consists of three parts, the Middle Road, the Eastern Road and the West


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