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Take some time out and read these beautiful words carefully. Later, reflect on what you have just read. Surely you will understand a lot of things… 花些时间仔细读读下面优美的文字,思考一下,您会发现明白了不少道理… ;... after some months at the faculty of medicine, the professor gave us a test. 在医学院学习了几个月后,教授让我们做一个测验。 Being a good student, I quickly answered all the questions… all, but the last: “What is the baptism name of the maid of our institute? 身为一个好学生,除了最后一道,我很快就答完所有的试题。那题目是“学校里做杂活的阿姨的洗礼名叫什么?” ;I handed over my test paper, leaving the last question unanswered. Just before the lesson ended, another student inquired if the last question would be marked. 我没回答最后一道试题就交了试卷。快下课时,另外一个学生问教授最后一题是否计分。 “Certainly!, the professor replied. “You will meet many people in your life. All of them will have some degree of importance. “当然!”教授回答到:“在一生中,你会遇到许多人。他们或多或少对你都是有影响的。;They will deserve your attention, even if it is a simple smile or a simple hello. 他们也值得你留意,即使是一个简单的微笑或一声招呼。” I never forgot this lesson… and went on to learn that the baptism name of our maid was Marianna. 我永远也忘不了教授说的这一番话。后来,我了解到我们做杂活的阿姨的洗礼名是玛丽安娜。 ;On a rainy, tempestuous night a “coloured” woman was standing on the roadside. Her car had broken down and she desperately needed help. Wet to her core, she signalled to the passers by. 一个暴风雨的晚上,一个“有色”妇女站在路边,浑身湿透。她的车坏了,急需帮忙,正在焦急地向过路人求援。 ;A white young man, as if unaware of the racial conflicts that tore apart America in the 60s, stopped to help her. 一个白人青年男子不顾那时蔓延全美的种族矛盾,停下车来帮她。 He conducted her to a safe place, called a mechanic and hailed a taxi for her. The woman seemed too much in a hurry, but did not forget to thank him and take down his address on a piece of paper. 他将她送到一个安全的地方,打电话叫了汽车修理工人,还为她召了辆出租车。那位妇女看起来很赶时间,但她还是很礼貌地谢了那位男子,并记下他的地址。 ;Seven days had already passed when someone knocked at the door of the young man. To his enormous surprise, it was a courier with a huge packet to deliver – a big colour TV along with a note: “Many thanks for helping me on the road that night. 七


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