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轻松趣味英语故事 :可以选择 The husband complained that his wife always cooked the same dish. One day, the husband got home and asked his wife, My dear, what will we eat today? The wife said, You may select the dish today. The husband was very glad and asked, Which dishes are there today? Cabbage. The others? None. Then how to select? Eat or not eat! the wife said. 丈夫抱怨妻子总是做同样的一种菜。 一天,丈夫回到家,问妻子:“亲爱的,今天我们吃啥菜?” 妻子回答:“今天你可以选择。” 丈夫感到非常高兴,又问:“都有哪些菜呢?” “炒白菜。” “还有呢?” “没了。” “那你要我怎么选呢?” “吃还是不吃!”妻子一本正经地说道。 :三人同舟 Three men were sitting on a park bench. The one in the middle was reading a newspaper; the others were pretending to fish. They baited imaginary hooks, cast lines and reeled in their catch. A passing policeman stopped to watch the spectacle and asked the man in the middle if he knew the other two. Oh yes, he said. They are my friends. In that case, warned the officer, youd better get them out of here! Yes, sir, the man replied, and he began rowing furiously. 三位男子在公园的长椅上坐着。中间的一个在读报纸,另外两个在假装钓鱼。他们给想象的鱼钩上鱼饵,放线,并卷线把鱼抓上来。 一位过路警察驻足观察了这个景象,他问中间的那个男子是否认识其他两位。 “喔,认识,”他说,“他们是我的朋友。” “那样的话,”警察告诫说,“你最好把他们从这里弄走。” “好的,警官。”那男子回答说,接着就开始疯狂般地做起划桨的动作来。 :超速的司机 A highway patrol officer stopped a speeding motorist. Dont you know what the blinking lights and siren mean? he demanded. Yes, sir, replied the driver. Then why didnt you pull over immediately? I would have, officer, the man said. But last month my wife ran off with a policeman, and I was afraid you were bringing her back. 一位公路巡警截住了一个超速司机。“难道你不知道闪烁灯和警笛的意思吗?”他责问道。 “知道,长官,”司机回答说。 “那你为什么不立即靠边停车?” “我本来想这样做的,长官。”那男子回答说,“但上个月我妻子和一位警察私奔了,我是害怕你把她带回来。” :什么颜色 An impoverished graduate student at Clemson University in South Carolina, I was excited when my father informed me that he had bought me a car. Hardly able to contain my enthusiasm, I asked Dad the typical questions: What kind is


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