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关于动物的英语作文9篇 I have a dog, it is lovely, it is called Mimi. Every time I go home from school, Mimi always cruising around me, I will go to the kitchen to get a piece of meat to it, it lay on the floor to eat. My legs and then jump to bark Wang called, so I picked up Mimi, it is the opportunity to lick my hand, making me laugh. I like Mimi, like puppies. 我有一条小狗,它很可爱,它叫Mimi。每当我放学回家时,Mimi总是围着我绕圈,我便去厨房拿一片肉给它,它就趴在地板上吃。然后跳到我腿上汪汪汪地叫,于是我抱起Mimi,它就乘机舔我的手,逗得我哈哈大笑。 我喜欢Mimi,喜欢小狗。 My eyes followed the crawling insects, made a fantastic travel. I follow this time is a little, it is considered that the humble little ants. I found it is on the roof of my house. I stared at it, it is in a few big between the block - this is a few flower POTS, stop and take a walk from time to time, as if already to find food, and like around the tentacles ask partner to find food. Several times, all of a sudden it stopped at a corner. It is found a piece of bread. Around it to go out with his companions tentacles, and soon the companions. Follow it to move the bread, they lift up and down, as if not enough. One ant ran out and soon it was with a lot of ants, they unite together to put the bread up to the front of a small hole. But not like bread is too big to carry into the hole so Im worried about them! But they sent men guarded the bread and the rest of the people went in the hole, then they seem to please the queen, then they called a lot of ants are coming. They were together, seem to be talking about something, then the queen to eat bread, wait to feed the queen, the rest of the ants cheerful a clean sweep of the rest of the bread. Ants can really know the unity and cooperation, compared with the unity of the ants, we humans do not have them so much! 我目光追随着爬行的小虫,作了一次奇异的游历。 这次我追随的是一只小小的,人们认为不起眼的小蚂蚁。我是在我家的楼顶发现它的。我的目不转睛地看着它,它在几个很大的柱子中间打转——这是几个花盆,不时停一停又走一走,好像已经寻找到食物了,又好像在转转触角问同伴找到食物没。几经周旋,突然它在一处角落停了下来。原来是发现了一块面包。 它走出去跟同伴们


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