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(答案)山东省东营市天立学校2020-2021学年度上学期 高一年级12月模拟金考卷(一)英语试题(卷) 听力 BCABC ACBCA BCBAC BABCA 阅读 BAC AACC CBCD BBBC GAECD 完形填空 BDDAB CADBD CBCBA ACACC 语法填空 to find 62.to 63.building 64.cultural 65.to 66.was establed 67.loss 68.success 69.that 70.global 作文 One possible version: This afternoon all the teachers and students in our school had a discussion about whether Yuanmingyuan Park should be reconstructed and opinions are divided on the question. 60% of the students are against the idea of reconstructing Yuanmingyuan Park. They believe what it is like now can serve as the best material to educate people. Rebuilding it would not only cost a large amount of money, but also probably lead to people forgetting its history. On the other hand, 40% think that Yuanmingyuan Park should be reconstructed because it will become more attractive after being rebuilt,and many relics will break down and even disappear for lack of protection. Besides, they think people can learn more about Chinese culture by visiting the new Yuanmingyuan Park. 读后续写范文 Para.1: “My little son has benefited from the transplant operation and I want to pass the kindness on,” Joyce Smith said. Joyce’s little son was a transplant recipient years ago. He got the gift of life in the form of a kidney transplant. “I want to do an act of kindness. I love this kind of action because it might make a total difference in the lives of others. It was my first act of kindness, and I really want to continue.” Joyce Smith added, smilingly. Para. 2: What's crazier is that Joyce Smith was a perfect match for Valerie Scott. Usually, it's hard to find the right match because you don’t just need a willing donor. The donor and the receiver need to have the same blood type. Luckily, Joyce was a perfect match for Valerie Scott. More fortunate is that the operation was successful. Valerie Scott was becoming healthy slowly. The two strangers became life-long friends and developed a close relationship.



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