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情态动词表推测 【2019 天津】 — Where are you going this month? — We______ go to Xiamen, but were not sure. A. needn ’t B. must C. might D. mustnt 【2019 四川南充】 — Excuse me, whose book is this? — It ________ be John ’s. It has his name on it. A. mus t B. need C. can ’t 【2019 湖南益阳】 24. The man ______be my English teacher. He has gone to Canada. A. might B. must C. can ’t 【2019 江苏盐城】 —Are you in a hurry? — NO, I ’ve got plenty of time I ______wait. A. can B. can ’C. mustt D. mustn ’t 【2019 福建泉州】 — Have you decided where to go for your summer vacation? —Not yet. We _______go to Qingdao . Its a good place for vacation. A. may B. need C. must 【2019 山东潍坊】 21. You mustn ’t go off on your own, because you _______get lost in the mountains. A. should B. must C. need D. might 【2019 湖南株洲】 Oh, its raining hard. Be careful! The road _______be wet. A. could B. must C. might 【2019 黑龙江绥化】 — Whose T-shirt is this? — It ________ be John ’s. It ’s ________ small for him. A. can ’t; much too B. can ’t; too much C. mustn ’t; too much 【2019 湖北黄冈】 —Who’s the man over there? Is it Mr. Black? — It ______ be him. He ’s much taller. A. may not B. can ’t C. will not D. mustn ’t 【2019 广西贺州】 The woman who is talking with Mr. Brown ______ be Miss Li. She has gone to England. A. can ’t B. must C. may D. mustn ’t 【2019 甘肃兰州】 — Look at the boy playing basketball on the ground. Is it George? — It ______ be him. He told me he would play basketball after clas s, but he ’s not sure. A. mustn ’t B. must C. can ’t D. may 【2019 湖北宜昌】 — Difficulties always go with me!


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