英语八上:Unit 3 A day out vocabulary课件(牛津译林版).ppt

英语八上:Unit 3 A day out vocabulary课件(牛津译林版).ppt

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4.如果你要到北京的话,乘火车要比乘汽车 快得多。 If you want to go to Beijing ,______ a train is ______ ________ than ______ a bus. 5.你可以乘公共汽车游北京中心城区,这样可以 更多地了解老北京的情况。 You can take a bus around the ______ ___ Beijing to learn ______ ______ the old Beijing. taking taking much faster centre of more about Goodbye! * Work in pairs. Make up a dialogue to talk about things to do in Beijing. Unit 3 A day out vocabulary the Birdnest the Water Cube Great Hall of the People the Fragrant Hills 香山 feel the beauty (n.) of the red leaves climb up the mountain and look at the amazing view (n.) 天坛 the Temple of Heaven 圆明园 the Yuanmingyuan 十三陵 The Ming Tombs Laoshe Tea House drink special Beijing tea enjoy wonderful Beijing opera The Palace Museum Take a look at the things people used in the past some old pictures (Qingming shanghe) the Summer Palace walk slowly around the big lake feel the beauty of Tian’anmen square It’s the greatest square in China. see the monument to people’s heroes /m?nju:m?nt/ Wangfujing street It’s a famous street in Beijing. It has many shops and hotels. the Great Wall Climb up … ,look at the amazing view 1.See the Monument to the People’s Heroes at _______________________ 2.Take a look at the things people used in the past and some old pictures in ________________________. 3.Visit the big shops on _________________________. 4.Drink special Beijing tea and enjoy wonderful Beijing opera in ___________________. 5.Climb up _________________________ and look at the amazing view. 6.Walk slowly around the big lake and feel the beauty of the old park in __________________________. the Palace Museum Tiananmen Square Wangfujing Street Laoshe Tea House the Great Wall the Summer Palace Pair work: Making up a dialogue A:Where would you like to go in Beijing? B:I would like to go to … A:Why? B:Because I can … at/on/in … A:What else can you do there? B:….. What about you? A: … Try your best to make


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