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is responsible for Organizati on trai ning, a nd im plementati on, a nd che ck; 12, master work shops a nnual e conomic i ndi cators of implementati on, re porti ng to fina ncial health on a reg ular basis; 13, i s responsibl e for the daily over sight in t he all ocation a nd use of funds; 14, re sponsible for all Depart ment stat istics, coll ecti ng, sorting, re porti ng of accounting re ports; 15, t he company re sponsible for t he supervi sion of the Treasury, i ncl udi ng the thir d grade li brary, a li brary of materials, products for regular i nventory handli ng, sampling, storage monitoring , the picki ng work, a nd provi de the i nventory re port, a nd make the appropriate accounting treatment ; 16, responsi ble for wa ste and recycl ing, transportation and settlement; 17, is re sponsible for a ll product sale s accounting functi ons; 18, responsibl e for the compa nys raw materials, a uxiliary materials, account manageme nt; 19, is responsi ble for the flow of control of all assets of the company, accordi ng to the changes in a ccounti ng treatment of fixed assets and assets to the de partments responsi ble for cleari ng, settleme nt and asset monthly re port submitted to the asset management se ction of the Fi nance De partment of the compa ny organize d on a company -wide spe cial i nspection of asset management; 20, accor ding to t he companys business activiti es, monthly proje cts inv olved i n the busi ness a ctivities of the com pany (including expe nse s, business management, cost control , cash flow, revenue, etc) financial analysis, provide a basi s for de cisi ons for the com pany, the busi ness of the company responsi ble for monitoring , forecasti ng and risk analysis; 21, responsible for t he settlement of transacti ons with the Ba nk; 22, i 创新思路建设精神文明,齐心协力构建和谐企业 社会主义精神文明建设是现代化建设的重要组成部分, 精神文明建设在构建和谐企业、推动企业健康持续发展中起 着非常重要的作用。润华集团在上级党委的指导下,始终将 精神文明建设作为企业发展的一项重要工作来抓,不断创新 精神文明建设的思路、方法,走出了一条适合集团发展的精 神文明建设道路。现将



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