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14-15新目标九 Unit5同步练习Ⅱ . Ⅰ 从方框中选择合适的词组,并用其适当形式填空。 be famous for, turn into, such as, send out, be covered with 1. It costs nothing to messages to your friends on QQ or WeChat. 2. Weifang, a city in Shangdong Province, has making kites since over 2,000 years ago. 3. The land behind our school a square by the government last year. 4. The room has been empty for long, so the table thick dust ( 灰尘 ). 5. Clay can be made into many lovely things, animals and kids. Ⅱ. 根据课文内容,填写合适的单词完成句子,每空一词。 1. Chinese traditional art is amazing. It has many special . And they can turn common things into objects of . 2. Sky lanterns are used at festivals and other . People see them as of happiness and good wishes. 3. Paper cutting has a history of over 15 . People fold paper and then cut them into beautiful shapes with . They symbolize (象征 ) for good luck and happiness. 4. Chinese clay art is also famous. The clay pieces look small but . The process is complex ( 复杂的 ). People shape the pieces, dry them and fire them at a high . Finally, they polish them and paint them. It takes several weeks to everything. Ⅲ . 单项选择 ( ) 1. — How often the Youth Olympic Games ? — Every four years, like the Summer Olympic Games. A. does; hold B. is; held C. has; held D. is; holding ( ) 2. — Do you know anything about Chinese knots ( 中国结 )? — Yes. They are usually seen symbols of good luck. A. for B. by C. with D. as ( ) 3. — How the cartoon animals loo


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