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软件质量保证与测试 实验指导 计算机工程学院 测试环境配置 setting Junit start Eclipse Select windows-preferences-java-buiId path - class path variables click new, the figure of new variable entry is shown. 3 Preferences type filter text Classpath Variables General Install/Update Java Appoaranco Build Path Classpath variat User Libraries Code Style Compiler Debug Editor Installed JREs JUnit Properties Files Edli Run/Debug Tasks Team Usage Data Collector A classpath variable can be added to a projects class path. It can be used to define the location of a JAR file that isn t part of the workspace. Nor modifiable classpath variables are set internally (for example. JRE_UB. JRE.SRC, and JRE.SRCROOT depend on the J re setting). 疋JRE.LIB (non modifiable, deprecated)? C:\Prograrr NGW... SRC 丄non modifiabo de pre CdtG di ?」amotvi Defined classpath variables: 二 New variable Entry Name: | Path: n ame  JUNIT LIB Assert Assert静态类 系列断言方法的集合 type filter textGen eralAnt Help Install/Update JavaAppeara nee Build Path type filter text Gen eral Ant Help Install/Update Java Appeara nee Build Path Classpath Varial: User Libraries Code Style Compiler Debug Editor Installed JRE JUnit Properties F Run/Debug Tasks Team Usage Data Co \/alirl atirtn 4 I nF- Classpath Variables Remove select file-选择JUnit插件所对应的JAR文件所在地,在Eclipse的安装 目录的plugins目录中 言 Preferences A classpath variable can be added to a projects class path. It can be used to define the location of a JAR file that isnt part of the workspace Non modifiable classpath variables are set intern ally (for example, JREJJB, JRE-SRC, and JRE.SRCROOT depend on the JRE setting)? Defined classpath variables: New...図JREJJB (non modifiable, deprecated) - C:\Prograrr New... Edit-Q^JRE.SRC (non modifiable, deprecated) - (empty) (z^JRE.SRCROOT (non modifiable, deprecated) - (emj Q^JUNIT.HOME (non modifiable, deprecated) - F:\软彳 Edit- JUNIT的组成框架 3称 ” 修改日期 awtui 2006/3/3 15:22 文件夹 extensions 2OO/3/3 15:22 文件夹 framework 2006/3/3 15:22 文件夹 runner 2006/3/3 15:22 文件夹 swing ui 2006/3



dongguiying + 关注


