英语选修6人教新课标Unit 1 Art(浙江)同步课时导学案:第3学时.ppt

英语选修6人教新课标Unit 1 Art(浙江)同步课时导学案:第3学时.ppt

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5.There would be no life ______water ______air. 6.________the most outstanding painters, Masaccio was the first to paint things in perspective. 7.Many people would ________live in the countryside ________ in the noisy city. 8.This language school teaches ________ than English.It also provides courses on French and German. 答案:5.without, or 6.Among 7.rather,than 8.more 祝 您 Art 第三学时 Using Language Reading, listening and speaking Task 1 快速阅读“The best of Manhattans Art Galleries”(P6),用大约30词写出课文的概要。 温馨提示:本文属说明文。写说明文的概要时要抓住说明的对象。 _______________________________________________ 答案:The text introduces the best art galleries in Manhattan.They are The Frick Collection,Guggenheim Museum,Metropolitan Museum of Art,Museum of Modern Art and Whitney Museum of American Art. Task 2 仔细阅读“The best of Manhattans Art Galleries”(P6),然后根据课文内容选出最佳选项。 1.The writer of this passage wrote this article to ________. A.attract the readers attention B.tell us something interesting C.introduce Manhattans art galleries to the readers D.tell us one of the biggest art galleries in New York C 2.Which of the following about the Frick Collection is Not true? ( ) A.The Frick Collection is the best small art gallery in New York. B.It was Henry Clay Frick who left his house,furniture and art collection to the American people. C.You can see an excellent collection of pre-twentieth century Western paintings in Fricks beautiful house. D.Visitors can explore Fricks beautiful house. A 3.If visitors go to Guggenheim Museum,they can find________. A.it owns 50,000 drawings and sculptures as well as paintings B.a small collection of the impressionist and post-impressionist painting C.the museum is well known only in the USA D.the best way to visit the museum is to walk from the top floor and walk down to the bottom B 4.Why does the writer say the Metropolitan Museum of Art has the greatest collection of art in the United States?( ) A.Because its a


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