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下面就whether的这一用法作一归 纳。 —、作“是……还是……”解时, whether表ZTX—种选择,其后可以跟 介词短语或不定式短语。 1 ?后跟介词短语。例如: She made the mistake whether by accident or by design. 不知她是偶然还是故意去犯这个错误 的。 Whether through choice or obedience I don7,t know, but he certainly did all the work very well. 是出于内心自愿还是奉命行事,这我 不晓得,不过他的确是把所有的工作 都做好了。 后跟动词不定式短语。例如: 1 dorft know whether to accept the offer or refuse it. (= It is doubtful whether to accept the offer or refuse it.)对这个提议,我不知道是接受 好,还是拒绝好。 It is to be decided whether to go or stay here. 是走还是呆在这儿还有待决策。(it 作形式主语。) Will you advise me whether to accept his suggestion (or not) ? 向你请教,我是否要接受他的建议? 二、作“是否,合不合解时, whether可用来引导名词性从句,即 主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同 位语从句。 1?引导主语从句。引导主语从句时, 可用it作形式主语。例如: Whether they consider this opinion or not is not clear. (= It is not clear whether they consider this opinion or not.) 他们是否考虑这个意见还不清楚。 Whether we shall be able to come is doubtful. (= It is doubtful whether we shall be able to come?)我 们是否能够来,尚不确定。 2?引导宾语从句。这时whether可与 讦换用。例如: A simple experiment will show whether air has weight or not. (= A simple experiment will show if air has weight.)—个简单的实验就可以证 明空气是否有重量。 I wonder whether we shall be in time for the last bus or (whether we shall) have to walk home. 我不知道我们是否可以赶上最后一班 公共汽车,或是只好步行回家。 引导表语从句 The question is whether we have to make a decision at once or not. 冋题是我们是否必须马上作出决定。 引导同位语从句。它的前面通常有 水欧阳光明*创编 fact, conclusion, news, problem, question, idea, doubt等名词作同位语 结构的中心词。例如: She has answered the question whether or not this supermarket is the largest one in the region. 她回答了这样一个冋题,即该超市在 这个地区是不是最大的。 The question whether we ought to call in a specialist was answered by the family doctor. 关于我们是否该请一位专家过来的冋 题,家庭医生已经作了回答。 三、作“不论……还是……”解时, whether引导让步状语从句。例如: (1) Whether you can see the moon or not, it is always round. 不论你能否看得见,月亮总是圆的。 (2) You may rely upon my help, whether others help you or not. 不论别人帮不帮你,你都可以依赖我 的帮助。 四、whether or no除了能够像 whether or not 一样引导名词性从句 夕卜,还能单独放在句首或句末,作 “无论如何解。这时,它仅起状语作 用。例如: We should complete the general design of the moto


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