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初中英语教学设计 教师 咼克军 年级 七年级 学生人数 44 授课时间 2015.4.13 课题 Unit 6 I m watchi ng TV. Sectio n B 2a-2c 课时安排 5课时 第4课时 授课类型 新授课 一、学情分析 了解时差,用现在进行时谈论人们正在进行的活动。 二、教材分析 2a不冋地方的时间是不一样的。 2B通过阅读一片有关朱辉的电视报道兀成一些任务,提咼 阅读能力。2C组词造句。 三、教学目标设计 〃语言知识 any, other, young, child, childre n, race, host, study, state, the Un ited States, American, dragon, Dragon Boat Festival, miss, wish, delicious, still. 现在进行时be+动词-ing 〃语言技能 阅读(略读和精读) 复述 〃学习策略与思维技巧 小组合作学习, 思维导图,自我总结反思 〃情感态度与价值 家是最好的地方。 四、教学重点难点 〃教学重点 目标语言现在进行时 〃教学难点 America n, races, miss, wish, still, Drag on Boat Festival the Uni ted States 五、教学方法 (学法) 任务型教学 小组合作学习 六、教学媒体运用 多媒体,课件,导学案,家庭作业单 七、教学过程设计 教学环节1 教学过程 Know about the time difference.(2a) 1. Liste n to a song n amed What time is it? 2. Role-play a con versati on and an swer two questi ons. Maria: Hi, David! I m calling from Sydney. David: Syd ney? What time is it there? Maria: It s 10:00 p.m. David: It s 4:00 a.m. here in Los Angeles! Maria: Oh, I forgot about the time difference. Sorry. Go back to sleep! I -mail youllater. Q1: What time is it in Syd ney? Q2: What about Los An geles? 3. Read the times by the clocks in 2a. 4. Guess what America n stude nts are doing now. 教师活动 播放歌曲,呈现对话,引导提问,激发想象 学生活动 欣赏歌曲,朗读对话,回答问题,读出 2a中的时钟表示的时间,猜 想美国学生正在做的事情。 设计意图 了解时间差 教学环节2 教学过程 Read a TV report about Zhu Huis story.(2b) 1. Know some backgro und in formati on about the story. 学校:武汉市鲁巷中学 it. 2. Ask and an swer about the pictures in the ppt. 3. Read quickly and an swer two questi ons. Key 1: Key 2: 4. Read carefully and fill in the form. His family in Shen zhe n Activities His host family in New York Activit ies Mom and aunt The mother Dad and uncle The father Cousi n Zhu Hui 5. Try to tran slate the follow ing senten ces. 1) But there isn t a Dragon Boat Festival in the US, so it other ni ght for Zhu Hui and his hot family. 2) Zhu Hui misses his family and wishes to have his mom s delicious zon gzi. 3) Zhu Hui likes New York and his host family a lot, but there “ no place like home ”. 教学环节4 教学


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