商务英语写作 Chapter 1 Process of Business Writing.docVIP

商务英语写作 Chapter 1 Process of Business Writing.doc

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Chapter 1 Stages of Writing (自学) NUMPAGES 15- PAGE 14 PAGE PAGE 14 Chapter 1 Stages of Writing Guideline Stage 1: Plan 3 strategies: Writer's purpose: WHY are you writing? Reader's response: WHAT do you want the reader to do? *BE SPECIFIC Reader's information: WHAT do you want your reader to know? Stage 2: Organize Prepare a clear OUTLINE- SOFAR strategy Arrange the contents to fit the outline Stage 3: Draft Keep writing. Don’t edit. Stage 4: Revise Complete Cohesive Clear Concise Courteous Stage 5: Edit Use a dictionary Ask a friend or colleague to help (peer editing) Use a grammar reference book Keep a record of your own "Personal Errors" Chapter 1 Stages of Writing Process of Writing P______ O______ D______ R______ E______ STEP 1: PLAN Why do you plan? YOUR NOTES: ________________________________________________________________ How can you plan your writing? Effective writers use 3 strategies: Writer's purpose: WHY are you writing? Reader's response: WHAT do you want the reader to do? *BE SPECIFIC Reader's information: WHAT do you want your reader to know? Example 1.1: Please identify WHY, WHAT and What in the following letter. 20 September 2010 Mr Robert Roman 13/F 151GloucesterRd Wan Chai Hong Kong Dear Mr Roman HSBC CREDIT CARD 541180017633 8766 Thank you for your letter dated 18 September 2010 We would advise that the card fee would be automatically billed to your card account annually despite your renewed card is remained uncollected. However, annual fee can be refunded provided that the card is uncollected within a certain period and is returned to the Card Centre for cancellation. Please therefore pick up your renewed card at your earliest convenience. We are pleased to be of service. Yours sincerely S TANG Simon Tang Customer Service Officer Card Centre Figure 1.1: Letter to Mr. Roman Your answer: Answer 1 Answer 2 Why is Simon writing? What does he want the reader to do? What does he want the reader to know? Practice 1: Read th


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