简单购物英语对话短文带翻译 英语对话短文两人简单.docxVIP

简单购物英语对话短文带翻译 英语对话短文两人简单.docx

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简单购物英语对话短文带翻译 英语对话短文两人简单 Mary: Would you like to purchase a computer? A desktop or notebook? 要买电脑吗?台式还是笔记本? John: Notebook. Which brand do you sell? 笔记本。你这边卖什么牌子的? Mary: Were selling HP computers. What are you looking to pay? 我们卖的是惠普的。您大概想要什么价位的? John: Six to seven thousand Yuan. 六七千的吧。 Mary: OK, take a look at this one, dual core CPU, 120G hard disk and 1 GB RAM. Its 6,500 yuan. Would you like to purchase it now? 好的,您看一下这款,CPU双核,硬盘一百二十个G,内存一个G,才六千五。您现在买吗? John: Thanks, but I need to think it over. 我再考虑一下,谢谢。 Mary: Is there any discount on this laptop? 这个笔记本还能便宜点儿吗? John: Its already very cheap. Lets make it 6000 Yuan. Thats as cheap as it can get. 已经够便宜的了。这样吧,六千,不能再便宜了。 Mary: Alright, Ill buy this one. Can I pay using a credit card? 好吧,我就要这个。能刷卡吗? John: Sorry, you can only pay cash. Well also include a laptop bag and a mouse for you. 对不起,只能付现金。我们还会送您一个电脑包和鼠标。 Mary: How long is the warranty good for? 保修期是多长时间? John: One year. The maintenance store location and telephone numbers are on the warranty card. 一年。保修卡上有维修地点和电话。 Mary: Hello, would you like to buy a digital camera? Take a look at Olympuss products. 您好,买数码相机吗?看看奥林巴斯的产品吧。 John: Hmm, what do you recommend? 嗯,你能给我推荐几款吗? Mary: Is it for home use? Which kind of price are you looking for? 您是家庭用吗?大概想要什么价位的? John: Yes, it is for home use. And two to three thousand yuan would be OK. 是家庭用,两三千的就行。 Mary: Please look at these models. I think the performance to price ratios of these cameras are comparatively higher. 那您看一下这几款,我觉得性价比比较高。 John: I like this one. Can you show it to me? 我喜欢这一款,能给我看一下吗? Mary: OK. This camera has 7 million pixels, a 2.5-inch LCD screen, and short-term video recording. 好的,这款是七百万像素,二点五寸液晶屏,还有短时摄像功能。 Clerk: Hi, there’s a problem with this stereo. I’d like to return it,


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