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学习文档 The way we speak reflects the way we think. The way we speak: change very quickly with the times of revolutions The way we think: some of understandings are widely shared, resistant to change Common expressions and common speech reflect social attitudes (the heritage of a common spirit) These can be regarded as cultural scripts 主讲人: * 学习文档 Cultural scripts: Methodology: NSM( natural semantic metalanguage theory of semantics) 自然语言元语言 Key idea:The theory of cultural scripts is that widely shared and widely known ways of thinking can be identified in terms of the same empirically established universal human concepts, with their universal grammar. 立足点:The theory of cultural scripts is based on the assumption that we need to understand people (both individuals and social groups) in their particularity, but that we can understand them best in terms of what is shared, and that one thing that is shared is a set of universal human concepts with their universal grammar. * 学习文档 The advantages of cultural scripts A path to understanding a society’s attitudes and values The theory of cultural scripts represents a cognitive approach to culture and society The tool for unlocking the secrets of the particular * 学习文档 The features of cultural scripts 1. First, it describes cultural norms and values from within rather than from outside. 2. the generalizations proposed are formulated in terms of a universal set of concepts, found in a wordlike form in all language. it is practical: it can be used in language teaching, cross-cultural education, and intercultural communication. 4. The fourth distinctive feature of the cultural script approach is that it relies on hard linguistic evidence. * 学习文档 The examples of the theory of cultural scripts 日语:被定义为“好人”与其个人需要及其想法的抑制有关。谈话的 主题有范围限制,谈话对象和谈话目的也有限制。他们避免说出伤害 或冒犯某人的话和使自己尴尬的话。 用文化脚本法归纳: It is not good to say things like this to other people: “I want (don’t want) this.” “I think (do


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