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换言之翻译第一章讲义西外 换言之翻译第一章讲义西外 PAGE PAGEPAGE 8 换言之翻译第一章讲义西外 In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation Mona Baker An Egyptian professor of translation studies at the University of Manchester in England, and an editor of The Translator and editorial director of St. Jerome Publishing. She first arrived at UMIST (The University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology) in 1995 and became a professor there in 1997. She provides commentary on the Middle East conflict, and research in translation and intercultural studies. The site also has sections on the boycott of Israeli academic institutions, Israel and Palestinian universities, general opinions on the Schedule Week 1 Chapter1+2 Week 2 3+4 Week 3 5 Week 4 6 Week 5 7 Each Week: Theory 2 hours + Practice 1 hour TERMINOLOGY Back translation Word Morpheme Lexical meaning Propositional meaning Expressive meaning Presupposed meaning Selectional restriction Collocational restriction Evoked meaning Dialect Register Field Tenor Mode Semantic field Lexical sets Superordinate Hyponym Loan word False friend Back translation: a process in which a text that has been translated into a given language is retranslated into the source language. P8 Word: the smallest unit of language that can be used by itself. P11 Morpheme: the minimal formal element of meaning in language; a unit which cannot contain more than one element of meaning and cannot be further analyzed. P11 Lexical meaning: the specific value a word has in a particular linguistic system and the “personality”it acquires through usage within that system. P12 Propositional meaning: the meaning of a word or an utterance which arises from the relation between it and what it refers to or describes in a real or imaginary world, as conceived by the speakers of the particular language to which the word or utterance belongs. P13 Expressive meaning: the meaning of a word or an


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