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英语四级作文写作技巧汇总 词汇的变化 1用不同的词汇表达相同的意义,避免单调,枯燥的重复。 如: 好学生:toρ∕gifted∕SUPeriOr/excellent/OUtStanding StUdentS 损害:have a negative effect on; do great injury to; CaUSe great damage to 妨碍:Stand in the Way of..; be an ObStaCIe/barrier to.. 对很重要:be indispensable∕important∕Vital to 学习矢ΠiR: PUrSUe/acquire/Iearn knowledge/Skill 许多:a Iarge POrtiOn of; many a; enormous; Iarge numbers Of 重视:assign/attach much importance/SignifiCanCe to.. 强调:ρlace∕ρut much emphasis/StreSS/value on.. 越来越:be increasingly +adj.; be On the rise; the growing number of.. 接触新 思想:be exposed to new ideas; have an/some acquaintance with.. 接触社会:COme into frequent/CIOSe COntaCt With the society; 提出观点:advance∕ρut forward/come UP With ideas 作出努力:make tremendous/PerSiStent effort to do sth.; take great PainS to do sfh. 影响学习:interfere With studies; have an interference With StUdieS 产生影响:have/exert a PrOfOUnd influence on; have a dramatic/UndeSirabIe effect on.. 取代:SUbStitUte for sth.; take the PIaCe Of sth.; replace sth. 采取措施:take effective steρs∕measures to 满足要求: meet/SatiSfy/accommodate the demand Of 补偿损失:COmPenSate for the loss; make UP for the damage 解释现象:account for the PhenOmenon; explain these PhenOmena 培养信心:develop OneS interest in..; foster OneS COnfidenCe in.. 施力口压力:ρut∕exert a PreSSUre on.. 提供?ΓL会:PrOVide∕offer∕furnish an OPPOrtUnity/chance for sb. 抓住机会:grab/seize/take the OPPOrtUnity/chance 献身于:devote∕dedicate∕COmmit OneSeIf to a cause/Career 提高技 术, 能力:SharPen∕improve∕enhance∕boost OneS skill∕ability 加快,促进发展:accelerate/facilitate/advance/enhance/boost the development Of 开阔眼界:broaden OneS outlook; expand/enlarge OneS mental horizons 充满渴望:have a burning desire for..; have a great PaSSiOn for.. 2使用同一个词的不同词性,在句中作不同的成分,带来新 颖性,形成变化。 句型的变化 1比较级句子 英语通过比较级来表达意思的句子远比汉语多?比如: A young mans first Car is IeSS a means Of transportation than a monument to his discovery Of youthful freedom?(A young mans first Car is not a means Of transportation, but a monument to his discovery Of youthful freedom.) SUCCeSS is as much a q


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