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精品资料 广 东 省 高 考 英 语 听 说 考 试 完 整 真 题 及 答 案 a f 及 g 套 角色:你是校电视台记者 Mary 角色:你是校电视台记者 Mary。 任务: (1) 就新技术对教育的影响采访 Dr. Brown; e,rtasks:module of National Matriculation EnglishListening and Speaking Test. CELST is athree parts. Part A is Reading Aloud. Invideo clip e,rtasks: module of National Matriculation English Listening and Speaking Test. CELST is a three parts. Part A is Reading Aloud. In video clip and read after the speaker in newcomer. The state rooms are less than a monologue, and then retell what you questions from the computer acting as Britain ’s most recognisable buildings. think. Its rooms are filled with objects older and more dramatic than you might part, you are required to act as a role this part, you are required to listen to watch a video clip and read after the a splendid palace was once open understood. But what is now the site of and queens past. And the art and Buckingham Palace is something of a PART A Reading Aloud In the heart of London sits one of 音:0sen;u子;分音::女 readg在.请对照原文,再听一遍录音。 course on the classroom of the M: I ’m just giving a three -month (解析:视频总长 66 秒;字数: 101 words; ask the speaker three questions and then communicative tasks: listen to a speaker, to the speaker. this year. What is it about? W: We know you are giving a new course Now you have ONE minute to practise Now read as the speaker in the video. And try to read after the speaker. M: Thank you. W: Dr. Brown, welcome to our program. as a role and complete three In this part, you are required to act Part B Role Play 现在你有一分钟的准备时间。 (101 words) this part, you are required to watch a three questions and then answer five Test (Guangdong Version), consisting of the video. Part B is Role Play. In this Yet its story is one of the least have heard in your own words. speaker in the video. In this part, you are required to 200 years old. Yet its history is much another role. Part C is Retelling. In that are clues to the character


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