文本分析dt training中文版05创建measures.pptx

文本分析dt training中文版05创建measures.pptx

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创建 Measures Application Monitoring 定义 Measures什么是Measures?Measures类型监控器 Measures主机监控MeasuresPurePath-based Measures循环 Measures探针 Measures视图 = payment当前用户 = Maria参数会话callPaymentService(“Hawaii”, 3550)事务MeasuresSold Journeys by User主机监控及探针Measuresdthostagent.iniCPU内存网络硬盘存储For Java/.NET碎片收集线程数PurePath Measures性能仓库Continuous Session实时会话图标 / 趋势异常创建额外的探针 MeasuresPurePath Measure举例Web 请求包含URL, e.g: index.jspDB 节点 包含 SQL,绑定值and执行时间Web Service 节点包含 Web Service 终结点 and 执行时间举例:- 什么是index.jsp的响应时间?- 执行一个特定存储过程的频率如何?- 外部的Web Service响应时间是否包含在SLA中?从预定义的Measures类型中创建Measures性能仓库每一个 PurePath 都拥有多个 Measures图表/趋势重点分析PurePath-based Measures:例如, Web 请求时间, DB 数 or Web Service 时间演示 : 创建一个 Measure创建一个 PurePath Measure右击以创建时间序列查看自定义Measures总结Monitor MeasuresHost Monitoring MeasuresPurePath-based Measures右击以创建Cyclic MeasuresAgent Measuresview = paymentcurrentUser = MariaParamTime SeriesSessioncallPaymentService(“Hawaii”, 3550)Business Transactions MeasuresSold Journeys by UserWelcome to Creating Measures. This video defines measures, describes the different types of measures, and explains how dynaTrace uses measures.Let’s start with defining measures.Measures are metrics, or data points, that are collected and recorded either periodically or based on transactions in the Performance Warehouse.Measures can give insight into your environment and infrastructure using agent-based measures such as host, agent, or monitor measures that monitor hardware, operating systems, servers, and databases.Measures can also give insight into your application and transactions using PurePath and transaction-based measures.There are different types of measures: Host Monitoring, Monitor, Agent, PurePath, and Business Transaction Measures.dynaTrace collects these measures allowing the APM Solution to get a complete picture of the whole infrastructure and makes it easier to analyze the real root cause for performance problems in case it is not within the application but within the application stack (Process or Host)


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