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初中英语八年级上册阅读理解专项训练及答案 一、短文填空 从方框中选择正确的选项,完成短文,并把字母序 号写在短文后面的横线上(其中有两个选项是多余的) (A) A. such as B. to I dC. meD. a E. A. such as B. to I d C. me D. a E. heaI thy F. fun G. happyH. Lastquite a fewmuch K. G. happy H. Last quite a few much K. together L. visit I I ike the summer vacation very much. It s very Iong, and I can do everything I vacation, we went to 2 my grandparents in the countrys ide. They were very 3 to see us. The countryside was very beaut i fuI. We saw 4 beaut i fu I f I owers and heard the bi rds s i ng there. We d i d many i nterest i ng th i ngs there. We went shopp i ng, cIeaned the houses and watched TV 5. Every morni ng I got up ear Iy, then I went out for 6 waIk or run. It made me 7? My grandma and my mother cooked nice food, 8 fish, meat and vegetab I es. I a I so knew some new f r i ends dur i ng the vacation. We taIked about the I ife in the countryside and in the city. My grandpa 9 me many funny stor ies. We had 10 in the countrys i de. I had a good vacat ion, too. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7.8. 9. 10. (B) A. both B. other C. favor i te D. but E. playing F. younger G. I ongest H. a little I. popu I ar J. d i fference K. at L. different Many peopIe think that twins are the same. But many twins are 1. Group Hot Girls has become very 2 s i nee (自 从) it started in 2010. The eIder sister is Lucy and the one is Li ly. They Iook the same in some ways. But in ways they are very different. Lily has short ha i r. She i s meters tall. Lucy has longer hai r and she is 5 shorter than her s i ster. They are 6 beautifu I and outgoing, 7 Li ly i s a I itt Ie more outgoing. They are good 8 danc i ng and act i ng. Lucy I i kes singing but Lily I ikes 9 the viol in. They both I ike reading books. One of thei r 10 actors i s Sun Li. Lucy I ikes eat ing chocoI ate and Lucy Ii kes eat i ng candy. 2. 3.4. 5. 7.8. 9. 10. 二、阅读理解 (A) Dear Mary, Can you be I ieve I m in a schooI of 2030 now The schooI i s I i ke a beaut i fu I garden (花园)? The wa I I of our c I assroom i s


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