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初一英语小笑话【简单易懂的英语笑话带翻译】 简单易懂的英语笑话带翻译篇一Three doctor are in the duck blind and bird flies overhead. 三名医生藏身在观察野鸭的隐蔽处,有一只鸟从头上飞过。 The general practitioner looks at it and says, 一般家庭医生看着他说: Looks like a duck,flies like a duck,its probably a duck, 看起来像-只鸭子,飞起来像一只鸭子它可能是一只鸭子。 shoots at it but misses and the bird flies aay. 就对着它射击,但是没射中,这只鸟飞走了。 The next bird flies overhead, 第二只鸟从头上飞过。 and the pathologist looks at it,then looks through the pages of a bird manual,and says, 病理学家看着它,然后仔细翻翻阅好几页的野鸟手册说 Hmmmm,green wings,yellow bill,quacking sound,might be a duck. 嗯绿色的翅膀,黄色的鸟嘴,嘎嘎的叫声可能是一只鸭子。 He arises his gun to shoot it,but the bird is long gone. 他举起他的枪来射它,但是这兵鸟飞一了好远。 A third bird flies over . 第三只鸟从头上飞过。 The surgeon raises his gun and shoots almost without looking,brings the bird down,and turnsto the patholoogist and says, 外科医生举起他的松,看都不看就射击,把鸟击落后就转向病理学家说: Go see if that was a duck. 你去看看那是不是一只鸭子。 简单易懂的英语笑话带翻译篇二A Good Boy Little Robert asked his mother for two cents. What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday? I gave it to a poor old woman, he answered. Youre a good boy, said the mother proudly. Here are two cents more. But why are you so interested in the old woman? She is the one who sells the candy. 好孩子 小罗伯特向妈妈要两分钱。 昨天给你的钱干什么了? 我给了一个可怜的老太婆,他回答说。 你真是个好孩子,妈妈骄傲地说。再给你两分钱。可你为什么对那位老太太那么感兴趣呢? 她是个卖糖果的。 简单易懂的英语笑话带翻译篇三Silly Doctor 蠢医生 A man went to see his doctor 有一名男子去看他的医生, because he was suffering from a miserable cold. 因为他正遭到令人难受的感冒之苦。 His doctor prescribed some pills, 他的医生开了一些药丸 , but they didnt help. 但是这些药丸都没什么帮助。 On his next visit the doctor gave him a shot, 他笫二次去的时候,医生给他打针, but that didnt do any good. 但是那也没什么效。 On his third visit the doctor told the man, 他第三次去的时候 ,医生告诉这名男子: Go home and take a hot bath.As soon as you finish bathing throw open all the windows and stand in the draft. 回家洗个热水澡吧。你一洗完澡就把所有韵窗户都打开,然后站在通风处。 But doc,protested


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