陕西省南郑中学高中英语外研版选修7课件:M4 Music born in America P4 Grammar.ppt

陕西省南郑中学高中英语外研版选修7课件:M4 Music born in America P4 Grammar.ppt

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3. 在感叹句中 What a (good) boy (he is)! How (hard) they are working! 4. 表示讲话人的意见和看法 (It) Sounds fine to me. (It’s a) Pity you couldn’t come. 5. 提问 (Is there) Anything wrong? (Have you) Found the bike? 6. 名词所有格修饰的名词若表示店铺、住宅、教堂或上下文已暗示或明确指出过的事物 At her mother’s (house) she passed many happy days. 7. 前面出现过的动词在下文再次出现时可以单纯使用不定式符号to I. -- Will you go with me? -- Well, I’d like to (go with you). II. -- Have you ever been to the seaside? -- No, we can’t afford to (go to the seaside). 并列句中的省略 后面分句中与前面相同的部分常被 省略。 She was poor but (she was) honest. 2. 有时并列句中的省略部分出现在前面 的分句中,看完最后一个分句才能掌 握全句的完整意义。 Mary can (speak English) and Mary ought to speak English. 惯用的省略结构 1. 无动词祈使句,无主句祝愿句,这类句子往往用感叹号。 If only I could remember his name! 2. 固定句型How/What about + n./pron. /-ing。 What about some more milk? 3. Why not +省去to的动词不定式。 Why not go at once? 复合句中的省略 1. 主句中的省略 1) 主句的省略多见于句首,多用于口语。 (It’s a) Pity you couldn’t come. 2) 在对话中答句省去整个主句只用从句。 --Shall I go to play? --If you like (you can go to play). 2. 宾语从句中的省略 1) 由which,when,where,how和why 引导的宾语从句,可全部或部分省去,只保留引导词。 Please pass me one of these books, I don’t care which (you pass me). 2) 在I’m afraid,I think, I believe, I hope, I guess等开头的作答句中,后面跟so 与 not 分别用于肯定或否定宾语时,宾语从句可省去。 -- Do you think it will rain? -- I hope not (that it will not rain). 3. 状语从句中的省略 1) 状语从句出现在句末时,一般都可以作句尾省略。 Coming swimming? You don’t have to (coming swimming) if you don’t want to (coming swimming). 2) 有时条件从句可以完全省去,只剩下主句。 I would have come yesterday (if I had wanted to). 3) 以as, than 引导的比较状语从句可以全部或部分省去。 After half an hour, she became quieter (than she had been). 复习省略的用法: 1. 简单句中的省略; 2. 并列句中的省略; 3. 惯用的省略结构; 4. 复合句中的省略。 3. 放在句首表示强调时一般用until。 Until he returns, nothing can be done. Not until all the fish died in the river ___ how serious the pollution was. (1995 全国) A. did the villagers realize B. the villagers realized C. the villagers did realize D. didn’t the villagers realize 如果before引导的从句位于主句之后,有时不能译成“在……之前”,而要译成“就”、“才” 等。 The struggle lasted four years bef


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