专题 12 人与自然---地球与宇宙奥秘探索--2021-2022学年高中英语新教材情境化新题(教师版).docVIP

专题 12 人与自然---地球与宇宙奥秘探索--2021-2022学年高中英语新教材情境化新题(教师版).doc

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优点英语 2021-2022学年高中英语新教材情境化新题 【命题情境】人与自然 -地球与宇宙奥秘探索 满分:80 时间:90分钟 姓名__________得分__________________ 阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分) A(2021·江苏扬州市·高三模拟) From this issue, we explore why the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) Institute hasnt turned up anything since its founding in the 1980s. (See page 30 for more.) We asked our Facebook followers: Do you think that astronomers will find evidence of alien life in your lifetime? Loran McCormick: 1 think they already have it. Judging by the sudden industrialization, I figure they found something thats probably been here since before humans walked the Earth. Jens Avery: We may find life, but it may not want anything to do with us. We are not very advanced and cant even get along with each other. Steven Buhrow: I think the more important question is — will any government ever publicly admit it in our lifetime? I fully believe that we could discover alien life today and the government would simply say the public is not ready for this information. Jenna Walsh: I think we already see it, but just dont realize what it is. Intelligent alien life probably doesnt want anything to do with the disaster that is Earth at this point, so no doubt theyre playing it safe and observing from a safe distance. Christopher Harvey: By alien life, do you mean intelligent alien life? Then no. It would be extremely hard to find, short of them coming down to Earth. But if you mean unintelligent alien life, like bacteria or single cell, we might. 1.Why did we ask the Facebook followers the question? A.To question the efficiency of SETI. B.To confirm the appearance of aliens on earth. C.To ensure the existence of aliens. D.To complain about the failure to find aliens. 2.Who doubts the ever visits of aliens to the earth? A.Loran McCormick. B.Steven Buhrow. C.Jenna Walsh. D.Christopher Harvey. 3.Where does this text probably come from? A.An album. B.A science fiction. C.A magazine. D.A travel guide. 【答案】1.A2.D3.C 【解析】本文是一篇议论文。文章主要是关于外星人是否存在的讨论。 1.推理判断



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