九年级第二单元Unit2 Topic3 Section A.pptx

九年级第二单元Unit2 Topic3 Section A.pptx

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Unit2 Topic3 What can we do at home to protect the environment?SectionALook at the pictures and answer the following questions. What does it mean?recyclev. 重复利用; 再利用When is World Environment Day?5th, June.What does it encourage people to do?It means saving the energy and reducing the waste. What does it encourage people to do?It encourages people to recycle and reuse.BrainstormingWhat else can people do to protect the environment?不要在公众场合随地吐痰。Dont spit anywhere in public.Dont walk on grass or pick flowers.不要踩踏草坪或摘花。每个人都应该关爱野生动物,多种树。Everyone should care for wild animals and plant more trees.我们不应该随处扔垃圾。We shouldntt leave rubbish here and there.Do not waste water. ...New words[pr?tek?n] n.保护;防卫 Nowadays,environmental protection is becoming more and more important.There are many organizations that help to protect the environment. China Resource Recycling Association is one of them.It calls for people to recycle cans and batteries, and reduce the use of plastic bags.[???ɡ?na?ze??n]n.组织;团体;机构[?risa?kl]n.v回收利用;再利用 [b?t?r?] n.电池[pl?st?k] adj.塑料的batteryNew words1. protectionn. 保护, 防卫 environmental protection 环境保护 protectv. 保护 防护 e.g. We should protect children.我们应该保护儿童。 New words2. organizationn. 组织,团体,机构 e.g. the World Health Organization 世界卫生组织 organize v. 组织, 筹备 e.g. organize a meeting/ party/ trip 组织会议/ 聚会/ 旅行New words3. plasticadj. 塑料的 e.g. a plastic bag/ cup/ toy 塑料袋/ 塑料杯/ 塑料玩具4. can n. (盛食品或饮料的) 金属罐5. batteryn. 电池New words6. nodv. 点头 e.g. I asked him if he would help me and he nodded. 我问他能不能帮我一下。他点了点头。New words7. agreement agreement n. 同意; 一致; 协议; 协定 agree v. e.g. According to the agreement, you can move to that room next week. 根据协议,你下周可以搬到那个房间去。 They didn’t agree on the words of the agreement. 他们不同意协议上的措辞。 disagreement n. 分歧; 争论New words8. hurryv. n. 赶快, 匆忙 hurry up 赶快, 快点 e.g. Hurry up! We’re going to be late. 快点!我们要迟到了。1b Listen to 1a and complete the table. An interview with Jane where Jane works in an ________________ to ___________________what


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