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* * * * * * * * * * * * Unit 7 How much are these socks? 人教版 英语 七年级上册 Learning goals 4. Sentences: —How much is the hat? —Its five dollars. —How much is this T-shirt? —Its seven dollars. —How much is that brown sweater? —Its eight dollars. —How much are these socks? —Theyre two dollars. —How much are those black trousers? —Theyre nine dollars. 2. Functions: 能够询问物品价格并作答 3. Grammar: how much引导的特殊疑问句 1. Useful expressions: this/that red skirt, these/those blue socks Warming up Revision Look at the pictures and say the words. Warming up Pair work Make conversations with your partner and write them down. $5.00 $7.00 $8.00 $ 9.00 $2.00 $9.00 Presentation How to ask about prices? Grammar Focus How much is the hat? Its five dollars. How much is this T-shirt? Its seven dollars. How much is that brown sweater? Its eight dollars. How much are these socks? Theyre two dollars. How much are those black trousers? Theyre nine dollars. How much are these yellow shorts? They’re nine dollars. 读左栏中的句子,请注意名词和动词。 be动词与衣物类名词的单复数保持一致。 Grammar Focus How much is the hat? Its five dollars. How much is this T-shirt? Its seven dollars. How much is that brown sweater? Its eight dollars. How much are these socks? Theyre two dollars. How much are those black trousers? Theyre nine dollars. How much are these yellow shorts? They’re nine dollars. 读右栏中的句子,请说出答语中代词指代的名词。 Grammar Focus How much is the hat? Its five dollars. How much is this T-shirt? Its seven dollars. How much is that brown sweater? Its eight dollars. How much are these socks? Theyre two dollars. How much are those black trousers? Theyre nine dollars. How much are these yellow shorts? They’re nine dollars. the特指某(些)物,其后既可以用单数名词,也可以用复数名词。 this表近指,其后跟单数名词。 that表远指,其后跟单数名词。 these表近指,其后跟复数名词。 those表远指,其后跟复数名词。 当名词前有限定词时,顺序为冠词/指示代词 形容词。 Grammar Focus how much引导的特殊疑问句(询问价格) “How much + is/are +名词?”用于询问价格,意为“……多少钱?”


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