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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Section B 2a-2f Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. 人教版 英语 九年级上册 第4课时 Learning goals 1. Curriculum words: seldom, influence, absent, fail, examination, exactly, pride, proud, general 2. Useful expressions: in person, take pride in, be proud of 3. Reading strategies: skimming and scanning Warming up Free talk What kind of problems did you use to have? How did you solve them? Talk about them with your partner. He is crying now, because he failed his examination. Pre-reading Guess the meaning of the words in red. fail /fe?l/ v. 不及格;失败 examination/ ?ɡ?z?m??ne??n/ n. 考试; 审查 She is shy, she always stays alone and seldom speaks in public. Pre-reading Guess the meaning of the words in red. 表示动作发生的频率。在句中位于be动词、助动词或情态动词之后,实义动词之前。 seldom/ ?seld?m/ adv. 不常;很少 We take pride in Chinese women volleyball team. We are proud of Chinese women volleyball team. Pre-reading Guess the meaning of the words in red. take pride in( =be proud of)为 感到自豪 ? USING CONTEXT Using the sentence context may help you guess and learn the meanings of new words and phrases. Pre-reading Pre-reading 2a Li Wen is a15-year-old boy from the countryside. His parents are working in the city. Look at the title of the passage and the picture below. What problems do you think he might have? He Studies Harder Than He Used to While-reading Read the passage and put the sentences [A-D] in the correct places. Skimming 2b Missing language A. They had a long talk. B. Now Li Wen has really changed. C. However, things began to change a few years ago. D. His teacher was worried about him. While-reading Skimming 2b Answer: C, D, A, B Don’t worry about it too much, just “keep in view” and more information will have to be added in later on. Just read what is there and guess what the blanks should be filled in. Read the passage and put the sentences [A-D] in the correct


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