
数据结构英文课件:ch03 Queues.ppt

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DEMONSTRATION AND TESTING void help( ) /* Post: A help screen for the program is printed, giving the meaning of each command that the user may enter. */ { cout endl This program allows the user to enter one command endl (but only one) on each input line. endl For example, if the command S is entered, then endl the program will serve the front of the queue. endl endl The valid commands are: endl A - Append the next input character to the extended queue endl DEMONSTRATION AND TESTING S - Serve the front of the extended queue endl R - Retrieve and print the front entry. endl # - The current size of the extended queue endl C - Clear the extended queue (same as delete) endl P - Print the extended queue endl H - This help screen endl Q - Quit endl Press Enter to continue. flush; char c; do { cin.get(c); } while (c != ‘\n’); } DEMONSTRATION AND TESTING bool do_command(char c, Extended_queue test_queue) /* Pre: c represents a valid command. Post: Performs the given command c on the Extended_queue test_queue. Returns false if c == ‘q’, otherwise returns true. Uses: The class Extended_queue. */ { bool continue_input = true; Queue_entry x; DEMONSTRATION AND TESTING switch (c) { case ’ r’: if (test_queue.retrieve(x) == underflow) cout Queue is empty. endl; else cout endl The first entry is: x endl; break; case ’q’: cout Extended queue demonstration finished. endl; continue_input = false; break; // Additional cases will cover other commands. } return continue_input; } 1、A circular queue has the problem in which it is not easy to distinguish between full and empty queues.? Draw two situations to illustrate this point.? The front and rear pointers should be in the same position in each situation. 2、Evaluate the following sentence if it is true or false and simply explain why? A queue is a FILO data structure. An array based queue implementation is usually implemented as a circular queue. An array based queue is better than


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