ABB 软起动器PSR, PSRC, PSE,PSTX系列产品选型总目录资料.pdf

ABB 软起动器PSR, PSRC, PSE,PSTX系列产品选型总目录资料.pdf

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— C ATALOG Softstarters PSR, PSRC, PSE and PSTX 2 S O F T S TA R TE R C ATA LO G 1 S FC 1 3 2 01 2 C0 2 01 R E V H — Motors use almost one third of the world’s generated electricity. So it is safe to say that reliable motor operation is crucial to our modern way of life. S O F T S TA R TE R C ATA LO G 1 S FC 1 3 2 01 2 C0 2 01 R E V H 3 — Contents 04 ABB softstarters 06 Common applications for softstarters 08 Motor starting 12 Softstarters portfolio 16 Wall mounting 17 Certifications and approvals 18 PSR 28 PRSC 40 PSE 52 PSTX 72 Fieldbus communications 74 Marketing materials and tools 4 S O F T S TA R TE R C ATA LO G 1 S FC 1 3 2 01 2 C0 2 01 R E V H — ABB softstarters How we are helping the industry A softstarter from ABB offers you several values and benefits. Whether you are a consultant, OEM, panel builder or end-user, A softstarter will add to your business value by securing motor reliability, improving installation efficiency and increasing application productivity. ABB softstarters help increase your motors lifetime by protecting it from electrical stress. Starting currents are easily optimized to your load, application and motor S ECU R E MOTO R size. Over ten motor protection features are included to keep your motor safe from Reliability different load and network irregularities. Reduce your installation time and panel size by h


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