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第二部分材料、焊接、热处理及腐蚀试验研究しj 304和304L焊接接头敏化热处理后的 析出行为研究 束润涛 (武汉市润之达石化设备有限公司,湖北武汉430223 ) 摘要:通过对304和304L焊接接头进行了不同敏化温度热处理后,对焊接接头的焊缝和热 影响区分 别进行了晶间腐蚀试验、电镜分析和能谱研究。研究发现即便碳含量的差异很小也会 对析出相的影响很大,钢中微量的氮对析出相的贡献不大。电镜分析发现这两种材料残留的铁 素体对敏化温度极其敏感,析出的第二相由奥氏体晶界向铁素体内部迁移,在析出的峰值温度 几乎填满整个铁素体。而304L母材纯奧氏体组织的晶界对敏化温度的敏感性最低,在800 て附 近才有极少量的第二相在晶界弥散析出。建议在晶间腐蚀环境中选材时选用超低碳的304L,且 应通过提高Ni 、Mn 、N的含量,以降低和消除钢中铁素体的残余含量。 关键词:304和304L;敏化热处理;晶间腐蚀;析出 Study on Precipitation Behavior of 304 and 304L Welded Joints after Sensitization neat Treatment Shu Runtao (Wuhan Runzhida Petrochemical Equinment Co., Ltd., Wuhan 430223, China) Abstract: After different sensitizing temperaiure heat treatments for 304 and 304L welded joints , intergranular corrosion test, electron microscopy analysis and energy spectrum study were carried out on the weld and heat affected zone of welded joints. It has been found that even a small difference in carbon content has a great influence on the precipitated phase, and a trace amount of nitrogen in the steel contributes little to the precipitated phase. [作者简介]朿润涛( 1966.4—),武汉市润之达石化设备有限公司总经理兼研发中心主任,湖北省 煶接协会副理事长。长期从事石化设备的材料、焊接和腐蚀失效的分析研究工作,公开发表专业技术论文 20多篇。 • 37 • li焊接脆性与腐蚀和安全 Electron microscopy analysis found that the ferrite remaining in these two materials is extremely sensitive to the sensitization temperature, and the precipitated second phase migrates irom the austenite grain boundaiy to the inside of the ferrite, and almost fills the entire ferrite at the peak temperature of precipitation. The grain boundary of pure austenite structure of 304L })ase metal has the lowest sensitivity to sensitization temperature. Only a small amount of second phase is dispers


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