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基于Matlab平台的机器人语音命令控制系统设计 摘要 语言,作为人类日常生活中交流必不可少的工具,如何让它进行机器人控制,以达 到更好的人机交互体验,这就涉及到了语音识别技术。本文以一个能识别前进、停止、 左转、右转等四个词汇的语音识别系统的实现过程为例,阐述了基于DTW算法的小识 别量的特定人孤立词语音识别的基本原理和关键技术,引出了机器人控制技术。本系统 侧重于语音识别,集成了语音端点检测、特征参数提取及DTW算法等内容,最后基于 MatIab平台编程实现指令识别功能,并提供了 GUl界面,以便人机交互。 本文主要对语音识别的一些理论和技术进行了对比研究及仿真实验。首先在第1章 对语音识别技术的现状进行了总结与分析,并引出语音识别技术主要涉及到的技术问 题。然后在第2章着重介绍了语音识别涉及到的技术,从一开始的语音采集,到端点检 测,再到最后的特征提取,一步步深入介绍语音识别的一般过程。第3章主要讲了基于 DTW的语音识别算法。DTW算法主要适用于小词汇量的特定人孤立词汇语音识别,符 合本文的研究需要。在原有模型库的基础上,录制新的语音,通过模板匹配实现语音识 别功能。第4章利用上述技术原理进行Matlab仿真,实现语音识别功能,并编制GUI 界面使操作和结果显示更直观方便。最终本系统实现了语音识别目的,并在原定目标基 础上对该系统进行了总结与评价,提出了部分改进建议。 关键词:语音识别;信号处理;DTW; Matlab; GUI Abstract Language, as the essential tool for the exchange of human daily life, how to make it more useful, such as control the robot through voice. This relates to the speech recognition technology. In this paper, with an example of realization of the speech recognition system, which can identify four words: forward, stop, turn left and right, described the basic principles and key technologies of isolated word speech recognition based on DTW algorithm, raises robot control technology. This system focuses on speech recognition techniques, including method of endpoint detection, calculation of characteristic parameters, and implementation of DTW algorithm. Finally, the instruction recognition function based on Matlab platform is realized, and the GUI interface is provided for human-computer interaction. In this paper, some theory and technology of speech recognition are contrasted and simulated. In the first chapter, the status of speech recognition technology is summarized and analyzed, and the framework of speech recognition technology is elicited. Then mainly introduced the related to the speech recognition technology in the second chapter, from the speech acquisition to endpoint detection, and then to the final feature extraction, to introduction the normal speech recognition process. The third chapter mainly about the speech recognition alg


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