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高三英语复习-阅读课-教案 高三英语复习-阅读课-教案 PAGEPAGE3 / NUMPAGES3 高三英语复习-阅读课-教案 高三英语教案 教 师 张艳 班 级 高三(18) 课 型 Reading 教学内容 如何理解语篇的基本结构 教学目标 在本课学完之后,学生能够运用以下3个阅读策略来理解语篇的基本结构: 1.弄清各段落大意和段落之间的关系,更好地理解文章及其结构 2.通过找关键词,确定准确信息,理解段落的组织方法,把握文章的脉络,从而更好地理解文章的结构 3.弄清作者的写作方法(论证方法),来理解文章的结构 教 学 过 程 教学活动 Teaching activities 设计意图 Intentions 互动模式&时间 IP & time Lead-in Step 1 ● T shows the writing assignment and some simple structures of the writing. Then asks the Ss to speak out how their writing will be organised. ● Ss get to know what is going to be learnt. ● To arouse the Ss’ interest ● To lead into the topic: The structure of the passage CW 2 Reading Task 1 Paragraphs and headings (Strategy 1) Step 2 ● Skimming: T asks the Ss to read Passage A to write a heading for each paragraph (Paragraph 1 is done for the Ss as an example). ● T guides the Ss to understand how the text is organized. 学生通过运用阅读策略弄清各段落大意和段落之间的关系,更好地理解文章及其结构。 IW, CW 7 Step 3 T guides the Ss to read Passage B and finish exercise 1 by using the same strategy in Passage A. Ss work in pairs. Take turns to report their supporting details. 学生通过练习与Passage A类似的文章来巩固阅读策略1。 IW,PW 1 Task 2 Identifying accurate information (Strategy 2) Step 4 ● Ss read each paragraph to underline the important words that lead to their understanding of the structure of Passage C. Then check their answers with their partner. ● T guides the Ss which of the following shows the structure of the passage. 学生通过找关键词,确定准确信息, 理解段落的组织方法,把握文章的脉络,从而更好地理解文章的结构。 IW , PW,CW 1 Task 3 Developing passage (Strategy 3) Step 5 Ss read Passage D to get the general idea and see how it develops. Ss list the different opinions about organic food in pairs. By showing some examples, Ss get to know some common ways of developing paragraphs or passages. 弄清作者的写作 方法(论证方法), 来理解文章的结 构。 通过一些例子让学生感知其他作者常用的段落或文章的展开法。 IW, PW 1 Summary Step 6 ● T guides the Ss to summarize the three ways to understand the structure of the passage. 学生巩固本节课所学到的理解语篇基本结构的三个策略。 CW 2 Homework


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