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会计学;Words revision;Revision ;Learning aims;the Giant’s Causeway;Victoria Falls ;The Three Gorges Dam ;The Terracotta Army ;natural wonders or man-made wonders?;natural wonders;What about Tony’s opinion? ;What about others’ opinions?;Listening (1);Listening (2);Reading;Check (√) the true sentences. 1. Tony thinks the Giant’s Causeway is the largest natural wonder. 2. Lingling thinks Victoria Falls is more fantastic than the Giant’s Causeway. 3. Betty and Daming are more interested in man-made wonders. 4. For Daming, the Three Gorges Dam is more fantastic than the Terracotta Army.;1. Where is the Giant’s Causeway? 2. How wide is Victoria Falls?;3. What wonders does Betty think are more exciting? 4. How old is the Terracotta Army?;Complete the sentences with the words in the box.;3. Let’s join in the _________ about the wonders of the world. 4. I think the Giant’s Causeway on the _______ coast of Northern Ireland is a fantastic natural wonder. 5. To some degree, Lingling agrees with Tony about the Giant’s Causeway, _______ she thinks Victoria Falls is more fantastic.;Key phrases ;1. Let’s call Wonders of the World and … ①此处的wonder 是可数名词,意为“奇观;奇迹” 长城是世界上一个伟大的人造奇观 The Great Wall is a great man-made_______ __________ ②. wonder 还可以作动词,意为“想知道, 感到惊讶” 我想知道他们正在这里干什么。 I________________ they were doing here.;2.Let‘s join in the discussion 让我们加入讨论。 (1). join+ 党派或团体名称。 eg.He ______the tennis club. 他加入了网球社团 (2)join sb 表示”加入到某人群中(一起做某事) I wonder if Daming will _us in the discussion tonight? join in B. join C. take part in (3)join in +某活动,表示“参加某活动“= take part in ;启导精思;4. It runs for several hundred metres on the eastern coast of Northern Ireland . (L7) 要点: on the eastern \southern / western / northern coast of … 在……东部\南部\西部\北部海岸 5. I think natural wonders are more interesting than man-made ones. 此次的more interesting 是比较级,多音节词 的比较级通常在前面加more ,最高级加 the most ;;6.But in my opinion, …… (L12) 要点:in one’s opin


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