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2021年整理考试资料——欢迎下载 2021年整理考试资料——欢迎下载 PAGE / NUMPAGES 2021年整理考试资料——欢迎下载 2020年广西民族大学英语教学论考研真题A卷   考生须知   1.答案须写在答题纸密封线内,写在试卷、草稿纸等均无效。   2.答题时一律使用蓝或黑色钢笔、签字笔书写。   3.交卷时,请本人将试卷、答题纸放入试题袋内,密封后在封条与试卷袋骑缝处亲笔签名。 I.Explain the following terms (25 points, 5 points for each) 1.Grammar Translation Method 2.Extrinsic Motivation 3.Constructivism 4.Foreign Language Anxiety 5.Summative Evaluation II.Answer the following questions. (40 points, 15 points for each) 1.What are the major types of grammar presentation method? In your opinion, what are their advantages and disadvantages? 2.What is a process approach to writing? In your opinion, what are its advantages and disadvantages? BI.Read the following assumptions about vocabulary in English learning and decide which one is true (T for true)or false(F for false), give reasons for your decision. (40 points, 4 points for each) 1.A vocabulary item can be more than one word. 2.Words must be learned in language contexts. 3.Languages consist of “word” with equivalents from one language to another. 4.If we do not use the words we learned, we will soon forget them. 5.An English-English dictionary is an important aid for students 6.Both teachers and students need to know that there is a difference between active and passive vocabulary. 7.Words can be taught and learned most effectively in groups of words which are related to each other in meaning. 8.The best way to explain vocabulary is translation. 9.Vocabulary cannot be taught. It must be learned by the individuals. 10.English-English explanations are the best for vocabulary teaching. IV. Design a lesson based on the following requirements (45 points) Directions: In this part, you are to design a 45-minute vocabulary lesson according to the information provided. Information: Type of the lesson: vocabulary Students: 40 junior middle school students, Grade 7 Lesson duration: 45 mi


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