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四川省成都市隆丰中学2020-2021学年高三英语月考试卷含解析 一、 选择题 1. They lived in a quiet house, _______________. ? A. in front of it was a river.??????????? B. in front of which was a river. ? C. in front of it there was a river.??????? D. in front of which a river was. 参考答案: B 2. Older people still want to see classic performances, but they are obviously not the young generation’s __________. A.piece of cake. B. hill of beans C. hot potatoes D. cup of tea 参考答案: D 3. The government has taken more measures to prevent the H1N1 flu from spreading, but it may still be some time _______ it is completely under control. A. after ????B. unless??? C. since??? D. before 参考答案: D 略 4. — Are you ready for the history test tomorrow? — No, I wish I ______ the clock back. A.had turned B.could turn C.will turn? D.would have turned 参考答案: B 试题解析:本题考查虚拟语气。wish 后的虚拟语气,如果跟现在相反,用did/were;跟过去相反,用had done;跟将来相反,用would/could/might do; 根据句意,我是希望时间“将来”能退回去,因此选择B could turn。 5. .I have ________ everything that happened, as I remember it . ???? A. set off?????? B. set on?????? C. set out???????? D. set down 参考答案: D 6. I want to go to college and become a doctor; _____ is my wish. ?? A.so????????? B.such??????? C.as????? D.what 参考答案: B 7. ----- Susan, Aunt Lee was telephoned to say she’s coming to see us tomorrow. ----- I see. Well, I’d rather she _______, since we’re going to the concert at 1:30 pm. A. won’t come??????? ??????????????????????????? B. hadn’t come C. wasn’t to come??? ????????????????????????? ?D. didn’t come??????? ???? 参考答案: D 8. His whole school education? _____ only 2 years because of his illness. ???? A. added up?????? B. added up in????? ??? C. added up to?? ?? D. was added up 参考答案: D 略 9. First impressions are the most lasting. After all, you never get __ second chance to make __ first impression. A. a; the ??? B. the; the???? C. a; a???? D. the; a 参考答案: C 解析:很多同学错在第二个空to make a first impression上了。在做题的时候不够细心,因为此题的句意是:第一印象是最持久的。总之,你永远不可能有第二个机会去再给别人留一次第一印象。本题强调的重点是第二个机会a second chance;第二次留一个第一印象,


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