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编写人:彭小娟 审核人:卢想生 编写时间: 2010-06-14 The First Period Warming up and Reading 【学习目标】 Enable the students to know something about the various theme parks all over the world, to understand the difference between a theme park and a traditional park and try to finish the comprehending exercises. 【重点难点】 Teaching important points: To solve the questions in Comprehending, and let the students find out the main idea of each paragraph, give a summary of the text. Teaching difficult points: How to give a general instruction/ description of a place. 【学法指导】 1.Skimming and scanning; 2 .Asking-and-answering activities; 3 .Listening method. 【知识链接】 What is a park ? What is a theme park? A park is a public area of land with grass, trees, etc, where people can walk for fun or children can play. A theme park is a large area which is designed around one subject such as water, food, culture, science or history. The difference between a park and a theme park: The general purpose of a park is for people to walk in for pleasure or for children to play in it. A theme park is fun to visit, but it can also be educational and can offer useful information. 【学习过程】 Task1. Skimming Skim the passage to get the meaning of the title “Theme Parks-Fun and More Than Fun”. Task2. Scanning Scan the passage to complete the table with information from the passage. 1. Name: Disneyland Locat


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