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up, a nd member s cadre s shoe vocational due di ligence combine d up, e nsure successfully completed early determine of the target task, ensure successfully completed lev els leadershi p general ta sk, ensure successf ully com pleted poverty stormi ng annual target task, e nsure social overall harmony stable. Thre e, compacti ng the mai n responsibiliti es and strengt hen t he two leadership of educational orga nizations do a good job two educati on wit hout a strong organizati on a nd leadership. Party construction of party organi zations at all levels shoul d firmly establish t he main consci ousne ss, grasping party buil ding a s the first responsibility, stre ngthe n leader ship, dem onstra ble, scientific t o ensure solid e ducation effectively. First, t he layers of responsi bility. Party committees (leadi ng party group) to st udy educati on as a major political ta sk, primary responsi bility for effective impleme ntation, stre ngthe n leadershi p, careful ly guidi ng the Steeri ng, do a good job overall , study and solve problems in a timely manner. Pr ogress evaluati on by the grass-roots party buil ding thi s year, to st udy e ducation as the primary evaluati on orga nizations, poor organization, the probl ems are many, to criticize, to a ccountabilit y. Ma in is responsibl e for comrade to consciously bear up first res ponsibility pe opl e duties, not only to tube good cadres, and with good team, al so to t ube good member s, and wit h good team, bot h first examples, lea d participate in lear ning educa tion, a nd byQian command, i nput enoug h of time and e nergy, strengthene d Gui de a nd checks r ole, on w ork programme persona lly validati on, on im portant ta sk per sonally de ployme nt, on exists problem timely soluti on, t hroug hout put responsi bility carry i n shoulder Sha ng, improper shuai shouzhangg ui. The County party Committee and muni cipal party Committee muni cipal workers, Various enterpr ises a nd instit utions, Commissi on,


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